Chapter 9

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"HARRY!" Louis screams when we walk in. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS, YOUNG MAN!?" He jumps on Harry causing him to fall. i stiffle a laugh.

"I'm sorry, babe." Zayn comes over & engulfs me in a hug.

Right then Liam comes down, & screams upstairs, "SHE'S HOME."

"What time is it?" I say.

"3:00 am. Not late at all. You had us worrying, doll! Dont ever do that again!" Liam runs over & hugs me.

"I just didnt know what to do.." I said, feeling the stinging in my eyes. Be strong, i tell myself.

Someone holds my hand. I look down & follow the arm thats latched upon me. Harry.

Zayn, Liam, & Louis step back & stare at me & him. Harry gets closer. I smile.

"Oh HELL NO, bitch!" Louis screams & tries to pounce on me, but gets held back by Liam grabbing his waist. I scream/giggle when Harry steps infront of me to protect me. How sweet.

When i hug him from his back he turns around & hugs me back. I close my eyes, taking in the scene.

Right then, Zayn walks behind us & puts his hands on our sholders. "Vas Happenin' with you two?"

I turn around & say, "friends." I see the hurt look on Harry's face. "VERY good friends." I say, & his face brightens up with a huge smile.

I look into his eyes, & he looks into mine, & i lean in. I feel Zayn's hands fall & look back & see him wide eyed & mouth open stairing past up. I look that way & see Niall at the bottom of the stairs.


I pull away from Harry & go to the closest room. I cant see him. He ruined it. He ruined my good time. How dare he. I fall asleep thinking about Harry.


I wake up in my bed beside Harry. I guess he fell asleep carrying me upstairs. I trace the cut on his lip that Niall made while punching him. Fuck you, Niall. He wakes up.

"G'moring, love." He says.

"Harry.. We need to talk.." I said.

"Fuck. I knew it wasnt gunna last." He said, his face getting red.

"I just cant right now." I explained.

"I get it. But if you ever need someone, im always here." He smiles. How strong & mature.

"Thanks." I say, laying my head down on his chest.

"Hello, Love birds." Zayn says from the door frame.

"Nope." i say.

"It wont work." Harry finishes.

"Oh. Damn. You were cute together." He shrugs

"I know." We both say at the same time. The laugh at the same time, too.

When we get up & walk downstairs Harry says, " im a fabulous cook. Want something?"

"Sure. Im starved." I say, smiling.

Right then, Liam comes in. "Hey, bro." I say.

"Bro? Hah. Americans & their words!" He laughs.

"I know." I laugh, feeling myself go red.

"But i need to talk to you seriously." He says. His voice deep.

"Okay." I gulped, getting up.

We went in his room. He turned around. "Niall tried to kill himself yesterday." He said.

"What?" i said. The stinging in my eyes. Panic flowed everywhere.

"He tried to hang himself." He said, not moving. I think he's crying.

"Is he okay? Why?" I though. Then i figured. Me. Its because of me. I killed his heart.

He didnt say anything. He was crying. Its the only time i saw him cry. I hugged him & he said, "He's fine. Just depressed." We hugged eachother till our arms got numb.


"Go see him." Liam says, pulling away.

"I am." i said running through the halls.

When i get to his door. I stop. I cant do this. He doesnt love me. I destroyed his life. I open the door. Hes not in here.

"Niall?" I say


I walk to the bathroom. I see him. He's sitting there.

"Niall.." I say, no response.

"NIALL!" I scream. He stirred. He looked up.

"Kaylie?" His eyes red.

"Yes." I say, tears coming to my eyes.

"I love you, i didnt mean to cheat on you. I was drunk.." He was crying.

"Shh. I know." I said. Walking towards him.

He held up his arm to fix his hair. I quit breathing for a second. He was bloody. So many cuts. Everwhere. In every direction. "Why?" Tear falling.

"What?" He said. then sees what i saw. "Fuck."

"Its never down to that, Niall.." I say.

"You hate me." He said, covering his cuts.

"I love you." I said. I was scared. Why would he do this. Me. Me. Me. I did this.

I fell on him. I kissed him. "I love you, so much." i whispered. "Please never do this again." Kiss.

"Im sorry. Ill never do it again. I just cant live without you." He said through the kiss.

"I dont want to live without you." I said, lifting up his arm, kissing every cut.

"I love you." He whispered, then. Fell. Collasped.

"NIALL!" i screamed. "LIAM, ZAYN, LOUIS, HARRY! HELP!" I had his blood all over me.

Two seconds later they were all there. I was rocking Niall's body back & forth, crying. Liam was crying. Zayn was stareing at his cuts, Louis was calling the police. & Harry was looking at me. Horrified.

Niall Horan & Me. ♥ Niall Horan fanfiction. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now