4~fuck life😧

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I woke up in the same dirty, stank, dark ass room.why...why me.i finally got out those ropes and looked around to see a window. 😂😂😂these are some stupid ass kidnapers. why would you kidnap me and put me in a room with a window😂dumbass's.I climbed up to it and jump out and started running......... I never looked back. I've reached my crib i climb my window .I guess mateo put dirty my cloths back on.I took a good bath and check the time it was 12:00.my grandparents are gone cause I saw the note on that said they left for 3months I put my phone down and went to sleep...😧Fuck life man Fuck life😔

damn Mateo why you did her like that well it was but I'm a busy person so yay



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