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A couple of rouges waited patiently outside of BlazeClan camp. They were waiting for the right time to strike and delete this clan from the maps. Inside camp laid only a couple of lousy warriors basking in what was left of the moonlight before the clouds came to cover it. Having no idea of the danger that was ahead of them.

Not to long later every cat was in their dens snoozing the night away while the rouges quickly but quietly made their way in. Since they already spied and calculated this camp they already knew where everything was at and how many cats are inside.

After a signal a flick of a tail, three rouges slyly made their way to the Queens' den. Slipping inside they quickly got to work nippicking and finding their way around. Outside of the den about 12 more rouges stood. The leader, a black and white tom, made eye contact with them all before letting out an ear-splitting battlecry.

The cry awoken the shocked and slightly drowsy BlazeClan cats up. Hopping into battle everything was a frenzy. Yowls and cries entered the night sky that was completely covered in clouds. Lightening cracked across the sky before cold rain started to pour in on the battling cats.

But there was one particular ear-splitting yowl that caused the clan to get distracted. The rouges thinking they had the upper hand took it upon themselves to deal with the matter at hand and killed or badly injured them. The leader only had one life left and he knew this was the end so he yowled a quick retreat before kicking it out of there.

The remaining clan members scattered not knowing what to do since there is no leader now. But what they did forget about is that cry that caused them to become distracted. It was a cry of pain, grief, and despair. The cry of a queen. Inside the den the queen, LightFeather, watched helplessly as one of the rouge's stalk up to the kits. The other rouge held back LightFeather macking sure she couldn't get to the kits. Her eyes filled with fear as she heard her leader yowl retreat. She looked back at her kits.

"Go! Head West down to the river and past the tree of life! I will find you there!" She cried clawing at the rouge as it tried to push her out of the den. She pounced. Scratching and biting at the rouge. But the rouge simply pushed her back and out of the den.


The kits quickly took the secret passage out of the den. Lunakit being the oldest stayed behind to try and at least distance the rouge from getting to them cause she knew that she couldn't fight him off.

Using her size as an advantage she clawed the rouge on the nose before ducking under him. Barely missing his swiping claws. Thinking quick she bit his tail and tried to make a dash for the exit. But was too slow. The rouge swiped and clawed the kit in the eyes causing her to stumble slightly and ram into the side of the den.

Blood dripped down her face and she cried in despair. Not only did she loose her mother but she also lost her home. But she was glad about one thing. Her siblings were alive. That caused her to leap up and slink back into the darkness using her black pelt as an advantage.

The rouge thinking she was dead quickly left the den in a hurry to get back to his rouge pack.

Lunakit breathed a sigh of relief before dashing out of that den and to where she knew her siblings would be waiting for her.

Weaving through the trees Lunakit tried her best to get to the Maple tree her and her siblings loved. But she was basically blind. Blood was still running down her face and she could feel the rain seeping into her wounds in the eyes.

But she kept going. Determined to get to her younger siblings.

After a while the rain let up and the blood stopped flowing down her face. But that didn't matter to her cause there in front of her was the Maple tree. And in the hole of the stump was her four younger siblings.

She cried in joy. Jumping into the hole and reuniting with her siblings. As she told them what happened the words of their mother kept echoing in her head.

"I will find you!"

"Head West down the river."

"Past the tree of life."

"I will find you there"

And that was there next stop. To find their mother no matter how long it takes. Lunakit will look after her siblings and find their parents. Even if she dies trying. She will always protect her family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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