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Hey guys,

yes another new story but I cant help that random ideas just pop up in my head and I have to get them down or they'll be lost forever and it takes a piece of me every time, I think any writer can understand that.

Oh and watertribenarwhal, this is dedicated to you, I read your latest story and I love it so everyone go follow them!

But anyhoe, enjoy.



Name- Real: Unknown - Given: Sin

Nicknames- Shimai, Kitten, Chi, Ai

Age- Real: Unknown - Looks to be around sixteen in a mature way

Appearance- Long blonde hair with natural white highlights down to her mid/bottom-back that is always messy, Bright unusual yellow eyes with a dark grey ring around the edge, with silver flecks all around them collecting in the middle. Slightly tanned skin, (not as dark as the pic) she's extremely short but not in a bad way, more of an "I'm adorable but I can still kick your ass" way. She's at least two heads shorter than everyone in the Akatsuki, I'd say around 4'11" to 4'8". She has a slightly bigger bust than most girls, (A little smaller than Hinata's) and a naturally curvy, toned body, but she weighs about 93-96 Lbs. Black cat ears on the top of her head, and a slightly fluffy matching tail. Small sharp canines, and she has the astrology sign Pisces tattooed on the back of her neck, along with the Aries sign right bellow it.

Abilities- Her abilities are connected with the signs on her neck. She can manipulate fire, and water, and create them using the energy flowing through the air around her. She can also heal people using the same energy.

Good points(physical)- Her stealth, speed, alertness, and natural ability to tame and conquer any situation.

Weak points(physical)- She has scoliosis, a spine disease that causes her to have extreme pain in her back if she moves the wrong way. She has no chakra like normal people, this is also a good point as people can not sense her. 

Good points(mental)- She notices everything in a person or place, and is always aware of her surroundings.

Weak points (mental)- She is bi-polar and has issues with sleeping because she cant shut her mind or body down long enough to actually rest.

Apparel- Her outfits will vary through the story, and will be explained as wears them.

You'll figure out her personality as the story goes on, as it is hard to explain.

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