Y/n's Family Reunited + You're New Boyfriend

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(Third POV)

The girl stood up and felt dizzy. She was about to fell but Y/n went fast and grabbed her.

"Ugh...where am I?" She asked. "You're in a void, sis" Y/n answered and she looked at her. "Y/N!!!"

She quickly hugged Y/n tightly and cried, Y/n did the same and sobbed. "S-sis, *sob* you're grown up! I'm sorry that I shut you out. I was an irresponsible sis." "N-no *sob* y-you're not. I m-missed you, Reboot..." Another bright light showed and to see a beautiful figure.

"My child, I'm back!" It's mom! In a human figure! Y/n and Reboot stood up and hugged her. They released the hug and went to an injured Ink.

Y/n brushed him with her paintbrush and a rainbow paint covered his whole head and body. Now it is gone, Ink is finally healed and stood up. "Ink! Are you okay?" Y/n hugged Ink in relief. He hugged Y/n back.

"Y/n, who is that?" Reboot asked Y/n and Y/n turned around to see, their father.

"Y/n, who is that?" Reboot asked Y/n and Y/n turned around to see, their father

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(He looks like that with his glasses on. Imagine him smiling mkay?)

"Y/n? Reboot?" Y/n and Reboot tackled their dad again. "Oof!" "Dad! We missed you! Where have you been?" They asked. "I was trapped in a void's core but I managed to escape to find you."

Mom went to dad and hugged each other. Ink went to us confused, Error looked at Ink. "Ink, I already know you. Thank you for helping and guiding Y/n to our happy ending. What do you want in return?" Error offered something to Ink and his answer was...

"I want Y/n to be my girlfriend, please? I loved her from the start, saved her and went through many trials with me. If you don't want to, I understand."

"You may. But promise us not to bring Y/n into danger okay?" Their mother agreed. Y/n run into Ink and hugged him. 

"I love you, Ink." "I love you too, Y/n"

End Of The Book! Thank you everyone for reading this book! I'll see you on my A/n!

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