It's just some words on a page...can change everything.

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Mabel's pov~

I woke up and stretched.

I saw Y/n was already awake and she was...writing in her diary.

Yesterday when Y/n and Dipper came back , they refused to tell me what happened.


I thought I would give them some alone time because it's obvious that Dipper's head over heels for her and I see the way that Y/n looks at him...I can't wait for then to become a couple!

However , I am honestly annoyed by the fact that they wouldn't tell me anything...unless...OMC I bet they kissed!

Yes I'm using the term OMC , it's quite catchy.

Y/n looked at me and smiled "Morning Mabel."

"Morning" I replied.

"Well I'm gonna go get dressed, be right back" she said, putting her diary down.

She grabbed some random outfit and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Her diary...she didn't lock it.

I looked between my diary , my sleeping brother, and then I looked at the bathroom.

I'm sick and tired of not knowing what is going on!

What the heck happened last night?

Why won't anyone tell me?!

I quickly grabbed the diary and started reading:

Dear Diary...

'I feel so guilty...I mean after last the woods.

Bill had offered to make me a deal, he would return my father's memories and my father would also regain his sanity.'

My face immediately couldn't mean in Bill Cipher.

Wait...what's this about her dad?

I continued to read :

'Dipper warned me not to take the deal...but is it wrong to hope?

To hope that I'll have a happy family again?

To hope that I won't have to lie to Dipper anymore?'


I need more information, this just turned from healthy curiosity, to a must know at all costs.

I continued reading :

'Dipper managed to get to me before I could take the deal.

Not that I would've right?

I lied to Dipper, I told him that it all has to do with a park that was about to be demolished...when it really was my father...

Bill disappeared, however some person named Gideon jumped out of a bush...where he had been the whole time...he heard the deal I made with Bill and he told Dipper the truth...'

My eyes widened and I almost fell over.

Gideon's back...she almost made a deal with Bill Cipher...

Her father... and Dipper...

My eyes drifted to the sleeping figure of my brother who was snoring into his pillow

My eyes then went Back to the page :

'Ok the Dipper then asked me if I was lying to him, however I answered that question with a question, I asked Dipper "why would I lie to you?"

So technically it's not lying.

He believed me but he got really angry at Gideon, believing he was the one that was lying.

Ugh! it's so frustrating to keep this huge secret on my back.

It's not like I asked for this!

Any of this!

It's not like I asked for my dad to be...Fiddleford Mcgucket.'

I gasped, dropping the book.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now