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He was angry.

"I can't help but feel jealous." He said as his red eyes looked all over my body. I stepped back. I tried to call for help but he kissed me. He kissed me roughly and started to grope me. I pushed him off and ran away. I didn't know why I felt this way.

My heart felt like it was about to explode. I only allowed Taehyung of BTS to make me feel this way but Xiumin of EXO can, too. I ran down the stairs and found the bathroom. I locked myself in it and sat on the toilet. I cried and cried until I heard someone knock on the door.

"Jin? Please open the door, I am so sorry." I couldn't open my mouth. But all of a sudden I felt my hands moving on its own and opened the door. I saw a hurt Xiumin. He was looking down and I cleared my throat and he looked up. I saw he was crying as well.

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't control myself. I thought I could but I was wrong. I'm sorry if you feel violated. I'm so-" I cut him off my putting my finger over his lips.

"It's okay, Xiumin. I will forgive you, but you owe me a lot of explaining." His eyes lit up. He was so happy that he hugged me and I hugged back.

We suddenly heard Kris calling us so we started to walk to the dining room. The tension in the air was going to kill me. Luckily, we arrived at the dining room.

I sat as far away from Xiumin so I sat in between Chanyeol and Baekhyun at he other end of the table. Kris spoke up.

"So Eunjin,"

"Jin" I preferred.

"Jin," He corrected. "we decided to buy you two tickets for the World Dance Cup which is going to be held in our school. We will give it to you, along with backstage passes, if you root for us." My jaw dropped. Was he actually trying to buy me?

"Xiumin, what is she thinking?" Kris asked.

"Um.. she's thinking if you are actually trying to buy her..." He said looking down. What the fuck?! After he almost raped me he actually reads my mind and tells everyone what I'm thinking! Amazing. He looked up giving me a 'sorry' look but I just glared at him. A stupid sorry look is not enough. I have already forgiven you and this is what happens? Fuck you, Xiumin. I thought so he could hear. He looked back down again and I could see tears forming in his eyes. Good for him.

After dinner, Lay and Suho washed the dishes while Kris and Tao watched in the living room along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Chen went to the library and brought Xiumin with him. Luhan and Sehun played in the play room with Kai. Kyungsoo was going to his room. I followed him and knocked on his door.

"Kyungsoo?" I said as I slowly opened his door. I saw that he was on his phone sitting on the side of his bed.

"Yes?" He asked as he turned off his phone and put it on his side table.

"I wanted to talk to you.. about Xiumin. H-he groped me and kissed me." I said slowly as I started to cry remembering what happened. Kyungsoo got worried so he went to me and guided me to his bed. He rubbed my back and I started to feel comforted.

"Xiumin.." He stood up. He left the room for awhile and came back after a solid minute. He was holding a book and it said Xiumin. He sat down on his table and read it and suddenly, his head flew up  He turned to me and sat down again.

"Xiumin is a half-breed. He's fully human, but the wolves changed him and taught their ways. When he was a baby, his mother didn't seem to like him. She said he was different. One night they were riding in a car and Xiumin started to cry. His mother got so irritated and threw him out the window in the middle of the woods. His dad was asleep that time. After that trip, his dad awoke and saw that his wife was not holding their baby anymore. He was very angry. They went back to where she threw him and he was gone. He filed for a divorce. She regretted everything. Going back to Xiumin, when he was thrown off, he kept crying and crying. A few minutes later, a wolf found him and took him to the pack. The Alpha accepted him and he grew up around wolves.

The wolves taught him everything they know. How to read minds, communicate through thoughts, teleport, smell and find anything, and they gave him a second life. He found out about the human world and he returned. He saw that our school was accepting students and he was smart enough to get in. He tried out for our troupe and he got in as well. He told us everything that has happened to him since he could remember anything just like the wolves. He learned how to control his two lives but, he cannot control it if he's losing in a fight, or he wants something. Like, you." Kyungsoo explained. My jaw literally dropped. I was shocked. Xiumin has two lives?

"Basically, Xiumin has a good side, and a bad side. He's half angel, half devil." He said in short.

That explains it. That explains everything. All I have to do is stay away. I thanked Kyungsoo and left his room.

I went back to my room and jumped to my bed. My eyes were threatening to close and so I did. I drifted off to sleep. Since I am a light sleeper, I was awoken by a ruffling noise in the middle of the night. I checked my bedside clock and it was 1 am. I laid back down and saw a pair of red eyes looking directly at me.


okay i know its a kinda long chapter but at least u guys now know the history of xiumin! i actually scared myself just by writing the last part gosh AHAHAHAHA anys hope u guys enjoyed it! see y'all next chapterr

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