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Princess POV

Who dares touching my butt I furrowed my eyebrows really not wanting to open my eyes and just go back to sleep.

"GOOD MORNING!!" Taehyung yelled and kicked open the door..ugh I have to talk with Hoseok about this, because things like ruining our door shouldnt be something kids should learn.

I hesitantly open my eyes and am greeted with Taehyung storming towards our bed jumping on Namjoon, who groaned and took his hand away..ohh so it was him groping my ass.

I smile at the two as I remember last night scene I pulled up the blanket and am relieved that both of us are fully dressed.

I sighed stretching my arms slowly getting out of the bed turning towards a giggly Taehyung who was still jumping happily on my boyfriends back.

"JOONIE!! You have a purple bruise on your neck..what happened?" the kid asked worriedly.


"Ahh this? Well..Princess hit me last night" he straight up lied into the youngers eyes who frowned then turned towards me pouting.

"Thats not really nice from you ..gotta protect my brother" he hugged Namjoon who was smirking then being pulled out  from the room, Taehyung making sure, that there was enough distance between the two of us so if I would attack again he could help his brother.

Great..mommy is the bad guy now.

I joined them in kitchen and sat down next to Hoseok who was happily eating some breakfast Jimin must have prepared.

"Sooo~ Did you two finally did the dirty? Sorry between I wanted to catch Taehyung before he could enter your room, but he was way more faster than me so I only could protect Jungkookies eyes " he snickered as I hit him on his shoulder.

"We didnt do IT..but that will happen too someday in the near future so you might aswell buy yourself some earplugs  because I dont know about the loud vocals Im going to sing when he starts pounding in me like..I swear to god he is soooo big you should have seen hi- "

"I really shouldnt" ge quickly interrupted me and it was my turn laughing in amussement by the red face of my brother.

"We are going to visit mom and dad and try to talk to her..about this whole thing..want to come?" I asked him back to my serious self.

"Thanks but I pass. Jimin and I are going to stay and take care of these two monkeys here" he motioned towards Jungkook and Taehyung who were playing with their food, throwing it around the kitchen, while getting scolded by Jimin.

"Okay" I nodded and also took a plate that Jimin offered me digging into the..food?

time skip

"Princess? Could you please stop biting your lips here? Im driving and you are distracting me..save it for the bedroom" Namjoon smiled at the road as I hit him on his shoulder also laughing.  

"Im sorry but Im somewhat nervous " I confessed as we both arrived in Seoul and were nearing my home.

"Don't be. I'm sure your mother changed her mind until now" he turned towards me smiling, showing off his goddamn cute dimples of his as the traffic light turned red.

"Hmm I hope so" I smile back and lean  back in my seat looking out the window where a couple walked by hand in hand smiling at each other..they have it so much more easier than us I sighed closing my eyes.

I opened them again when the car stopped and Namjoon told me to get out as we arrived and yeah..home sweet home I rolled my eyes and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Should we knock?" he asked as we stopped before the door and I  cooed at his cuteness opening the door walking in cuz it's my home afterall why should I knock?

I took his hand and walked made my way towards Yoongis office who was sleeping, and drooling, like usual instead of working.

"Ahem..I'm sorry for interrupting you Yoongi, but I would like to know if my parents are at home?" I asked as he jumped up from the chair throwing his mask away to the other side of the room forcing a sleepy smile on his face.

"Welcome home Princess..what a suprise" he fixed his suit and nodded quickly. "Yes, they are. Rinah..I mean Miss Kim is in her room and Mr. Jung in the library. Is there anything I could help you with?" he asked but I just shook my head before noticing the dark rings under his eyes.

"Uhm maybe you could use the bed in the guest room to sleep on? You got eyebags...thats certainly no swag" I smiled at him warmly as he bowed thankfully, picking up his mask.

"Ready?" Namjoon asked as he stood there like statues glaring at my mothers door, before I nodded pushing down the handle.

"Mom? We are going in"


Sorry for the belated and kinda boring chapter, but yesterday was the last day of school and I wasnt home...

then again


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and this book hit 102K reads like WHATTHEFOCK?????!!!


*blows kisses towards You all*

*blows kisses towards You all*

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