Part 12 - RUN! RUN!! RUN!!!

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Author: I back~~~~

YanSim: So-

Author: Let's begin~

YanSim: She ignore us?!!


Ayano pov

So....what now?? "Ayano, can you stan-", "I can...." I reply....I change myself to Cirno Mode (if you don't know Cirno mode....I give you the picture....)

And then I fly now and follow where Nemesis run

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And then I fly now and follow where Nemesis run.....I look both....they're me though.

No one pov

Nemesis: -runs-

Fun girl: -follows her-

Ayano: -follows both-

Nemesis: 'Run.....Run....Run' (I make Nemesis funny person so don't shocked or...well continue read)

Fun girl: You...can'

Nemesis: Well...let's see, first I should do RUN!!! -disappear-

Fun girl: -looks back-

Ayano: -hides-

Fun girl: -go back but doesn't see Ayano-

Ayano: 'Fiuhh....' -follows Fun girl-

Nemesis: -looks back and around-

Nemesis: 'I think she will confused, because I disappear in front of FUN GIRL'

Fun girl: Gotcha you....~~!!!

Nemesis: What the!!! holy sh*t....-looks her from a far-

Fun girl: -go to Nemesis-

Nemesis: 3....2....1....andddd RUNNNNNNN!!!!! -runs-

Fun girl: Well...I know you don't want this game will RUN from me~~~

Ayano: -chuckles-

Ayano: ''re so funny...ahahahaha....well you aren't win from Fun your best~~'  -laughs-

Nemesis: 'RUNN!!! RUNN!!! RUNN!! LIKE A MOTHER FAHKER!!....HEUH! D:' (well this words from Pewdiepie --> JU ON THE GRUDGE - PART 13)

Nemesis: -looks back- 'OOHKEY....YEEH! YEAH!..YEEH!'

Fun girl: Lalalala~


Ayano: -laugh so hard but not loud- 'WHAT THE...AHAHAHA...HELL....HAHAHA....WTF?!!....AHAHA'

Ayano: -falls- 'Holy sh*t'

Fun girl: -looks back-

Ayano: -hides-

Fun girl: -follows Nemesis again- 'She disappear again....' -sighs-

Ayano: 'Well that...make me scared though' -follows Fun girl-

Nemesis: WHAT THE F*CKING- -looks right-

Nemesis: HEUH...LUADNA! HA! D: -look another fun girl- I find this words from...Pewdiepie again--> HOUSE OF CREEP - PART 1)

Nemesis: -go to left- WUTT?!..AAAH!! WAITT!!... -look the another fun girl-

Nemesis: -looks back- FUHKING -F*CK!!....AAAH!!!....(this is from Markiplier --> FIVE NIGHT AR FREDDY'S)

Nemesis: NOO...NEUHHEUHHEUHNOOO!!!....HHHEEEUUUUUHH- RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!! (well this is from Jacksepticeye --> I forgot the name...I mean the game's name)

Nemesis: -disappearing-

Nemesis: 'WHY SHE.....SO MANY???!!! WHYYYY??! RRRUUUNNN (still same with Jacksepticeye's word)

Ayano: -laughing so hard- 'DAMN!! WHAT THE FFF***CCKKK....HAHAHAH.....SHE-SHE'S SO FUNNY...WTF?!!'

Fun girl: Disappear....disappear.....disappear again... -sighs-....but she screams like idiots!!! -laughs so loud-

Ayano: 'WTF????!!' -looks Fun girl-

Ayano: 'Crazy girl' -sighs-

Nemesis: -trying breathe- 


Nemesis: -shocked- Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump 'WHAT IS THAT NOW??!!....SLUTA PLEASE!!!' (from Pewdiepie's mean stop it please)

And then she sees.....


Author: Hehe....sorry for my bad english and late upload

Fun girl: Hei, Author~

Author: Hi~ -gulped-

Ayano: Well...Author-chan's mood...whatever...

Author: Hehe...before I wrote this....I watch in youtube 'Funny Scary Moments Of Markiplier, PewDiePie, and Jacksepticeye

Ayano: That's why you write the story....but Nemesis...SHE--SHE....FUNNY!! -laughs so hard and falls-

Author: Whatever....thank you for read this and I don't know how long I go to my grandmother;s sorry again -bows-

Fun girl: Bye guys~~

Author: W-wait--

Fun girl: What?? -looks at Author-

Author: Uhhh.....nevermind, byeee.... -sighs-

Ayano: -still laughing so hard and loud-

Fun girl: Lalalala~

Ayano: -be quiet-

Author: -shocked-

Ayano and Author: 3...2...1...RUN!! -running from Fun girl-

Fun girl: -looks at you-

Fun girl: What?? 

[y/n]: N-nothing -joins running from Fun girl-

*Annete out*

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