The Scarf , The Crown , the necklace and the Hat and Gloves .

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Ross P.O.V.

Me and My cousin Shelby were playing tag and having fun. Max was to busy studying for Math while Jess was out little bit deeper doing God knows what. "Shelby how can you like doing this crap!" Max yelled."Its Easy Max just be a smart Max and not a Mad Max or else you'll be a Sad Max and we don't want that Max we want Glad Max."I said. He stopped and turned his head towards me and said"One. More.""One more what?"One. More""One more what?""Guys come on its almost sun down we got to find Jess and go home." Shelby said. "Fine"me and Max said. We started getting ready to leave when we heard rustling in the bushes we turned towards them scared. Did I mention we were in the right in the middle of the Forrest? Max slowly bent down and grabbed a stick. Then he slowly went towards the bush as soon as he got there Jess popped up from the bush scaring Max"AH!! JESS DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!" Sorry?" She said while giggling.Me and Shelby let out a sigh of relief "Jess" She looked at me"Yeah?" "It's almost sun down pack up so we can go"home"." K sloth" "Im not a sloth I'm a squirrel "I said pointing at onsie."GUYS COME WE GOT TO HURRY BEFORE THE DEADLY ANIMALS COME OUT." Shelby yelled tired of our arguing.We sighed let Jess get ready and started heading home. Finally at our little wooden shed we got in closed the door and turned on the lights.We walked over to the cages were we keep our little animals mine was a glass cage Were it kept a really really small squirrel. I smiled. His name was Toby. I kissed the glass and whispered "Goodnight"and started going over to my bed when suddenly this blue light appeared. I stared at to terrified to move away. "G-Guys?" I said staring at the light. But before they turn over at me the light disappeared and all what was left was a scarf and a note and a little cage."What?" They asked me."N-nothing!" I said quickly covering the stuff.They shrugged and kept playing with there pets. I grabbed the note and started reading it

Dear Ross

You have been chosen to become an elemental. Elementals are powerful but can also be very dangerous.You are the water elemental. You will be given a scarf . The scarf will give you your abilities . Now go on with the others to your adventures and go were no other has gone before.

Sincerely The one before you

P.S. Once you put on the scarf you are the only one who can take it off and the cage is for your little squirrel

I looked over at Toby and open the cage and put him inside. I grabbed the scarf and put it on.As soon as I did the note disappeared. I walked towards the bed and fell asleep.

Shelby P.O.V.

When we got to our shed I went straight to Shadow and started playing with her. Ross fell asleep. When he fell asleep this white light started to come from Shadow. I started to move backwards. But the light turned into a leash and collar a note and a paper crown .I quickly glanced at Ross,Jess,and Max they weren't paying attention to anything that had happened. I grabbed the note and started reading immediately.

Dear Shelby

You have been chosen to become an elemental. Elementals are powerful but can also be very dangerous. You are the Light elemental. You will be given a paper crown. The crown will give you your abilities.Now go on with the others to your adventures and go were no other has gone before.

Sincerely The  one before you

P.S 1. the leash and collar are for your dog 2.once you put on the crown you are the only one who can take it off 3.the shadow elemental could easily destroy everything that ever existed you must guid them towards the right path.

I didn't say anything but just put the crown on and put the collor on Shadow and went to sleep

Max P.O.V

Ross and Shelby were asleep.Ross looked peaceful and cute. I sighed and looked at Galileo. Then out of nowhere some kind of red light came from Galileo.I got into my fighting stance.But the light simply turned into four things.A necklace, a note, and a leash and collar.I looked over at Ross,Shelby, and Jess to see if they were okay.I grabbed the note and started reading

Dear Max 

You have been chosen to become an elemental.Elementals are powerful but can also be very dangerous. You are the fire elemental. You will be given a necklace.The necklace will give you your abilities.Now go on with the others to your adventures and go were no other has gone before.

Sincerely The one before you

P.S.the leash and collar are for your dog and once you put the necklace on you are the only one who can take it off.

I put on the necklace and put the collar on Galileo and went to sleep.

Jess P.O.V.

Everyone was asleep except for me.I slowly went over to Shelby and kissed her forehead then slowly went over to Sprinkles.I kissed her forehead and whispered "Goodnight" Then suddenly this purple light came from her I got ready to punch it when it turned into a note ,collar,and a hat and some gloves I grabbed the note and started reading it 

Dear Jess

You have been chosen to become an elemental.Elementals are powerful but can also be very dangerous. You are the shadow elemental. You will be given a hat and gloves.They will give you your abilities.Now go on with the others to your adventures and go were no other has gone before.

P.S.the collar is for your cat and once you put on the hat and gloves you are the only one who can take it off.

I put on the stuff and put the collar on Sprinkles  and went to sleep.

I respect all the relationships these people have and it took me 2 Hours to make this

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