
199 17 2

notepad _ □ ×

entry #0

4:20PM | 2018 01 05

an introduction,

i'm not quite sure on how to do this, but starting now, i will be recording some of the most eventful moments and experiences i've ever come across on with taehyung.

this could also be a safe place where i could vent on about if i ever get a hard time with opening up again.

taehyung is also a safe place, but there are also things in which he must never learn and know about from me.

i hope this works out|


having heard the sudden voice from downstairs, jungkook immediately hid the notepad bar by minimizing it—afraid that a single person other than himself would get even the slightest of glance of what he was doing.

"what is it?!"

"come out, the pizza's here!"

jungkook clicked on the notepad icon and saved the file before closing down all open windows,

and he headed out of his room.



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