Chapter 6: Bacon

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Song: treasure by Bruno Mars

I awoke the next morning by the smell of fresh bacon. I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs to see my uncle cooking breakfast.
"it smells amazing, I didn't know you could cook Uncle."
" I can't cook but I can bake, I learned that from your aunt."
"Yeah I'm so sorry I couldn't be at her funeral."
"Don't apologize, I never even knew you were alive until yesterday Wesley told me nothing when we called once a month."
"Yeah that's typical uncle Wesley."
"Yeah you're right." He says with sad eyes "You want breakfast?"
"I love to." I answer. Bobby gave me a plate and I ate like my life depended on it.
"Easy there, I have more if you want." I nodded eagerly. "I almost forgot your huge appetite."
"Heyy!!!! I don't eat that much." I complain.
"Yes you do." He says grinning at me.
"Oh shut up." I say before continuing my delicious meal.

"Angelica can I ask you how you got that car?" my uncle suddenly asks.
"Because that is the car of two brothers who are also hunter I know and I see them as my sons." He replies.
"Oh well I stole it, but if they are here I will give it back if they promise to take me out driving sometime I really love that car." I answer
He chuckled "So does the owner but I hope that you're still alive when they get here. The car is like his baby"
"Well I'm a hunter too I can kick their asses."
"Of course Angel" He says kissing my forehead.
"What you don't think I can handle them?" I say pretending to be hurt.
"Of course you can you come from a great hunter family, but so that you know I will protect you against the big bad guys." he says laughing in himself.
"When do they come back?"
"Well normally with their car tonight, but I think tomorrow morning."
"Well since we still have some time tell me about your life these past years Uncle."
"Okay well I helped other hunters by looking for jobs and pretending to be their bosses, there is this one guy Garth he's a hunter but it still surprise me when he survives a hunt, I mean he isn't the smartest. I met demons and angels."
"You met Angels?" I interrupt.
"Yes some are dicks, but some are nice. One of those boys from the car was saved from hell by one angel named Castiel and now he is the best friend of the brothers."
"So you have like good connections."
"Well I wouldn't say that."
"Well I would Uncle, I mean you befriended an angel, maybe I can befriend an angel or even a demon."
"No I never met a demon who was nice, well maybe Meg when she fell in love with Castiel or Crowley when he doesn't screw things up or wants to kill you." Bobby said.
"Crowley the king of Hell?"
"Yeah I guess my brother told you about him?"
"Yeah only what he knew. But wait a minute an angel and a demon fell in love?" I ask him not believing me.
"Well Castiel was obilivious about it at first, but I couldn't believe it either but yes it is true."
"How romantic, it's like Romeo and Juliet only without dead at the end."
"For now" My uncle replied.
"No I won't allow it if they die I will make a crossroad deal to get them together, love above anything else."
"So you're a hopeless romantic. Aren't you Angelica?"
"What can I say I'm a sucker for love, and yes I have never really been in love but I like reading and thinking about it." I respond.
"You're so weird."
"I got it from your side of the family uncle." I reply.
"I can't deny that." Uncle Bobby says laughing

Suddenly we heard yelling coming from outside ."That are the boys." My uncle tells me.
"Great, what should I do?"
"Hide behind the door and when they come inside you jump on one off their backs and throw him on the floor." My uncle suggested.
"I like that idea." I say before hiding behind the door. I was hidden just in time because two boys came storming inside.

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