Perfectly positve

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I walk over to the sink trembling, its weird how one little stick can make up your entire future. My fingures tremble as i pick it up i turn it over quickly and realise my biggest nightmare has come true pregnant

I drop to my knees and begin to sob uncontrollably, i begin to make chocking noises as my sobbing becomes more violent. I hear someone running up the stairs and stop right outside of the bathroom. "Katniss!" I hear Peeta yell outside. As soon as i hear his voice i beggin to sob more... what if he's mad with me...wait of course he wouldnt be mad with me he's wanted kids for so long, and now hes getting one. "Katniss are you alright let me in!" He yells once more snapping me out of my daze. I try to pick my self from the floor to open the door but my legs are shacking and i just fall back down. So i just sit down and place my head in my hands. "Katniss i mean it let me in or i will need to break down the door!!" He yells inpatiently.
I don't awswer all i do is let the tears run down my face, all of a sudden the door burst open and i jump a liitle but go back into a ball. Peeta bends down next to me and imedietlty puts me on his lap and rubs circles on my shoulder. He brushes a strand of my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear, i look up into his brilliant blue eyes which remind me so much of the blue of the ocean in district 4 or the blue hues of the sky in the summer.
"What's wrong he asks" in a very concerned tone. I want to answer but more tears just start streaming down my face. He pulls me tighter into his embrace and places his lips gently on my head. We stay like that for a few minutes until the tears stop flowing from my eyes. "Im so sorry Peeta.....Im....Im...Im" "your what?" He asks concerned.
"Im pregnant" i let out before another wave of tears threaten to come out my eyes.
All of a sudden a huge smile appears on his face, and he crshes his lips onto mine and i passionately kiss him back its strange how easy he can make me see the good in things, maby this baby isn't such a bad thing i havnt seen Peeta smile like that sense we got married. Having a little person run around the house, someone with a bit of me and a bit of Peeta. I snap back into reality when we need to pull out from out kiss to breath. He looks down at me the joy in his eyes fade when he remembers me sobbing about all of this. "Katniss i love you and you have nothing to be sorry for, do you want this baby?" He asks with some sadness and nerve. Do I want this baby? A little Peeta running around dosnt sound so bad, and after looking at the positives and how happy Peeta is i cant say no because maby i realy do want this i really do want this baby. "I love you so much, and your going to make the most amazing daddy" i say as a smile pricks my face. His amazing smile comes back and he kisses me all over my face and neck then picks me up bridal style and carrys me to our bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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