chapter 1

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As Hanna was studying for her math test she got a text from summer and it said I'll be over in ten its important.then ten minutes later summer just walked right in Hannah's room then Hanna said what if I was changing or something then summer said OK well your not a guy and I'm pretty sure your a girl and you have nothing to hide then Hannah said my point is next time knock then summer said OK then Hannah said so what was so important that you needed to tell me then summer said well before you say no I was  wondering if you wanna go to a party tonight with me our crushes will be there. Then Hanna said you mean your crush cause I'm dating brock and I don't know about the whole party idea I mean shouldn't we be studying like for our math test tomorrow. Then summer said well we can study after the party you know that then Hanna said okay fine but what do we tell my mom she would kill me if she found out that we went to a party and you know that. Then summer said I have an idea let's tell her that your going to my house to stay a couple of nights then as they were talking Hanna's mom walked in and said I gotta leave for work I'll see u in a little bit then Hanna said wait mom I was wondering if I could stay at summers house for a couple nights plus I can help her study for our test tomorrow. Then Hanna's mom said alright as long as you call me every night I don't have a problem with it then Hanna said OK love you mom then Hanna's mom left for work and summer said before we go to the party let's head to my house and get ready then Hanna said OK then summer drove the two of them to her house and as they arrived at summers house Hanna said are you sure we should go to this party and summer said yes you will have fun plus its better then being at home studying all day for a test. Then Hanna said okay I guess I agree with you then the two girls walked in summers house and went up to her bedroom and summer said you can choose out of my clothes for what you want too wear for the party. Then Hanna said what's wrong with what I got on then summer said well your kinda wearing the same clothes that you wore from school earlier just saying. Then Hanna said okay well what do you think I should wear then. Then summer said well you get too choose. Then Hanna grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a flannel and a pair of converses and summer grabbed a pair of leggings and a flannel with boots. Then summer said OK now that we got our clothes on its time too get our hair and makeup done then Hanna said I thought we are already ready then summer said you can't go to a party and not look good plus you always used too put makeup on and do your hair what happened too that. Then Hanna said well Brock told me that I look better without makeup and that I shouldn't do my makeup and hair to impress him unless I want too. Then summer said let me tell you something guys will just say that because that's what they want you too hear. Then Hanna said well not all guys are like that though. Then summer said that's true but is Brock though and Hanna said what do you have against Brock. Then summer said nothing its just he's the captain of the football team and so many girls are chasing after him so why did he choose you that's all I'm asking. Then Hanna said maybe it was love at first sight. Then summer said maybe I mean I don't know. After the two girls got done getting there hair done and makeup they headed to the party as they were driving summer said sorry about earlier I wasn't trying to be rude. Then Hanna said its okay you was just speaking the truth I can't be mad at you for that because sometimes I think about that myself. So you don't have to be sorry for asking. Then summer said not to change the subject or anything but do wanna stop and get something to eat before the party because I'm like starving. Then Hanna said yea what about taco bell then summer said I was just thinking that. After stopping at taco bell five minutes later the girls arrived at the party. Before they got out of the car Hanna said I'm gonna call Brock and see If he wants to come. Then summer said okay. Hanna picked up her phone and called Brock and Brock answered the phone and said hey babe what's up and Hanna said just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the party that were at. Then Brock said your at a party since when do you go to party's then Hanna said well summer wanted me to come with her so I did. Then Brock said of course summer wanted you to come so she wouldn't be by herself. Then Hanna said and your point is. Then Brock said nothing who's party are you at. Then Hanna said where at Hayden's party. Then Brock said alright I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Then two girls went and hot something to  drink. Hayden offered them alcohol but they both said no because of where they had ate earlier and they had school tomorrow. As they were drinking there coke. David which is Brock's brother walked up to them and said why aren't you too dancing and having fun then they both said were waiting on Brock to get here then David said why he's not coming he just texted me saying that he's hanging with his buddies and as we all know there probably getting drunk and high. Then Hanna took her phone out of her pocket and called Brock. Brock answered the phone and Hanna said why aren't you coming for. And Brock said sorry babe but I'm hanging out with my friends and I didn't wanna tell you that because I knew you would get mad at me. Then Hanna said I'm not mad at you for hanging out with them I'm mad at you for lying to me what's more important me or your friends then Brock said babe really. And Hanna said yes really. Then Brock said you know that your more important can we please just talk about this tomorrow then Hanna said fine whatever and Brock said I love you and I'm sorry and Hanna said I love you too then she hung up the phone. And said I'm ready too go home and David said really your gonna let my brother ruin your night and Hanna said well yea I guess plus I'm really tired then summer said well I'm going home too then Hanna said no you and David can stay and have fun then summer said alright well you can use my car I'm sure David will gibe me a ride back too my place then Hanna said alright thanks love you bye then Hanna said love you too and her and david both said bye at the same time. Then Hanna drove to summers house and went up too her room and went too bed.

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