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"I can't wait for this trip," Layla says to her friend, Taylor.

"That's a lot of people to be meeting," Taylor says fidgeting with her hands. Layla goes to her and takes the seat next to her on the white couch.

"It'll be fine, plus everyone that's coming is a friend of mine. If they are going to try and be a jerk to my best friend, we'll just tell them to hitchhike back." Layla says grabbing Taylor's hands.

"If you say so," Taylor says trying to smile.

"Hey, this'll be good for you. Help you get out there." Layla says looking down at her short blonde friend.

"Ok, well we need to get this homework done. We're lucky our professors are letting us miss the end of the school year." Taylor says getting up and walking to her room. Her friend groans and mumbles something she can't here. "Oh, stop being a baby and get in here." She says laughing as she hears stomps.

"You're such a mom."

"Ugh, I'm not old or boring," Taylor says throwing a pillow at her.

"Yeah, and your boobs aren't saggy." She says making Taylor bust out laughing.

"You're so weird," Taylor says opening her textbook.

"But you love me."

"Unfortunately," Taylor says. Layla takes in a sharp breath like she's offended. "Oh, get over yourself."

"Well miss-" Layla's cut off by her phone. "Hello?" Taylor looks up at her confused. "Oh, hey Leland." She says. Taylor smiles and holds her hand out to talk to her brother. "Your sister wants to talk to you," Layla says before handing the phone over to Taylor.

"Hey, when are you making your way down here?" She asks.

"Um, in two days." She hears her brother say.

"You're so lucky. You were just in New York for a trip and now you get to go around the states with us." She says grabbing a pencil to begin working.

"I know, now can I talk to my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Fine, but don't keep her too long, we have homework to finish." She says saying the last part louder. She hears her brother's chuckles before handing the phone back over.

Taylor ignores the couple on the phone and begins reading her anatomy book. She highlights the important stuff, which ends up being almost the whole chapter. She looks back up at Layla to see her giggling about something.

Taylor waves a book in the air to get her attention. "Well, your sister is saying I need to do some work. I'll see you soon. Love you, bye." She says and hangs up the phone. "Happy?"

"No, because I'm hungry." She says causing Layla to laugh.

"Of course you are. It's your turn to cook tonight." She says reminding her friend.

"How's fish sticks?" Taylor asks getting off the bed.

"Sounds good to me," Layla says before opening a book of hers. Taylor walks out of the room and opens the freezer. She finds the fish sticks and gets the oven ready. "Layla?" She yells down to her.


"Who are the people coming in the other car again?" She asks trying to remember everyone's names.

"Jack, Analyze, and maybe Austin," Layla says back.

"Jack is the player, Analyze is a friend, and Austin's a cousin?" She says questioning herself. She hears the beep from the oven telling her it's heated.

"Yup and Jack will try and hit on you, but don't worry Analyze will put him in his place and you've meet Austin. Probably just don't remember, it was in high school." Taylor hears. She nods her head even though Layla can't see. Once she sets the timer on the oven she goes back to the room getting out of the kitchen.

"And then there's Julia and Carson, Chloe, and Ella, right?" She questions once again.

"Yes, Julia and Carson have been together for like ever, and you've meet Chloe and Ella a few times," Layla says looking up at Taylor. She nods her head.

"Ella's the talkative one. Always asking questions?"

"Yup, but she's fun." Layla says. She looks up at Taylor and smiles. "It'll be fine, plus Leland and I will be there if it's too many people." She says standing up and walking over to her.

"I know, just...nervous." Taylor says playing with her hands again.

"What's there to be nervous about?" Layla says and Taylor shrugs.

"Guess we'll have to see."

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