The Leaving

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Elsie's heart was pounding in her chest, I swear I could hear it rebounding back at me off the walls. Why is it when your frightened and have to be still, that you have the motivation to move? We watched the shadow silhouette move closer and it's footsteps became louder. I knew she was going do something and pled for her not to. It was too late...

Elsie and I ran. She had done something wreak-less again. I'd told her before that her courage would lead us to trouble but she'd just respond with a simple; "Louise, someday my 'wreak-less' actions will save our life's!"

We were cornered at the Egyptian exhibit and the smell of mummy feet stank so badly I covered my nose. We hid behind the toilet paper wrapped artefact but all Elsie wanted to do was fight. She pushed me back behind the mummy and as I fell hit my head. Blood dripped through my fingers as I rubbed it.

Elsie turned to help but helping me was another wreak-less idea.The silhouette grabbed her. As it came into the lights of the exhibit I saw it's deathly grin.

What happened next would scar me for life. My senses were alive in this horrific moment. I couldn't help, I just laid there and watched like it wasn't real...

The screams hurt my ears and I screamed too in horror. The sights of that moment are too traumatic to say.

Blood splashed to the floor and would forever stain it red. From that moment on I was without a best friend, she was gone...torn away from life.

Recovering was not an option. Alone, afraid and slipping away. Trapped and swimming in emotional agony was what I felt.

Light peeped through the grand window of the museum and the blood seemed to turn thick and black. Life not worth living, not even investigators would find my friend, her deathly mystery lost, her limp body taken. Nothing except the street of blood that travelled the lonesome corridors, struggling to find a beating heart!

I seemed to be invisible, not a glance or a stare, the girl in red soaked fabric was trapped inside a torrent of death and misery. Along with peps, perhaps I disappeared to? Her parents didn't come looking nor mine. We were erased from existence by the tall black figure.

I just faded into that corner, leaving my friend to die, I did nothing. I was helpless and watched as her life was taken by the blade of a knife. And now it's just me and blood hand streaks along these high corridors.

He looked at me with deep blue eyes that looked into his frozen heart. His lips moved like sound was coming out but I couldn't hear a sound. It was like I was deaf... But I wasn't. In shock I closed my eyes and hoped to wake up in my soft cosy bed. It didn't work. I opened my eyes but my vision blurred.

An angry expression came across his face as he swung his clasped fist towards me. In his hands was an object formed in the shape of a oblong but little did I know how hard it was...


Sorry for the short first part I will do more. This is 'chapter 1'.

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