I'm Sorry

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"F-fine" I say. It's silent in the room. No one talks no one moves. I look down. I don't want to. But if I have to do this to save my mom, I'll do anything.

"Y-Y/n. No..." Anti says. I look at him. "I have to save her somehow... this is the only way" I say. Dark snaps his fingers and my mom disappears. I have chains on my wrists. The end leads up to Dark's hand.

"Great choice, Dear" he says. I hear someone walk behind me. "Y/n... pl-please don't do this" Anti says. I look back. Septic is smiling widely. Anti looks like he's about to cry. I see Mark. He's already got tears forming. Jack is holding Karissa tightly. Jack is looking at me. He is soooo not happy with this.

I turn back to Anti. "I-I love you, Anti. I always will" I say. I kiss Anti for probably the last time. Dark tugs me away. He smiles down at me. I look away from him. Just as a dark red mist is covering us, I hear Wilford and Google yell at Dark. Then they yell my name.

I close my eyes and tears fall down. Dark wipes them away. "No need to cry, Y/n. You are safe now" I shake my head.

Dark looks away from me. "Please Y/n. I don't like doing this either" "Yeah sure you don't like doing this" I say. Dark slaps me. "No need for that kind of attitude" I roll my eyes. "Sorry..." I say. We finally show up at his house. He takes me to a room that's all black and a little bit of dark red. "This is your room" Dark says.

I nod. He takes off the chains and leaves the room, closing the door.

That leaves me alone, to just think. I stare at the wall. I start thinking about when I was back with Septic and my head hurt terribly. Why did it hurt terribly?

"Why do you think it hurt?" Septic says in the back of my head. "I-I don't know..." I say. "You were weak enough" Mark says in my head. "You're still weak" what is happening?

"I thought you loved us? Yet you left us" Jack says. "I-I thought you loved me..." Anti says. I close my eyes and shake my head. No. They're trying to make me feel weak. They all are! "You are weak, Y/n. You'll always be weak! You'll never ever be strong enough to do anything!" They all day at once.

"We fucking hate you" Anti says. "P-please... s-stop!" I say. "But why little girl? See? You're weak. You're always weak. You always will be" Septic says. I curl up on the bed and hold my head. Tears start forming in my eyes. "No one loves you, Y/n. You're too weak for us" Jack says. I start crying. "I-I just w-want it a-all to be o-over!" I say. Dark comes in the room and sees me.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Dark asks. "There's her new boy toy, Darkimoo! How does that make you feel?" Septic says. "We fucking hate her" Mark and Anti say at the same time. I curl up even more. "I-I'm sorry..." I say quietly. Dark walks slowly up to me. "Little girl, keep this a secret and maybe we won't hate you" Septic says, giggling weirdly. I shake my head and cry more.

Dark turns me over and I go to a corner. "T-they hate me..." I say. "Y/n?" Dark asks, walking slowly up to me. "T-they want me to die" I say. Dark stops. "W-who?" Dark asks. I look up at him. "Everyone" I say. Dark kneels down. "Guess we'll always hate you then?" Septic says. I curl up. My heads hurting again.

"You're right Y/n... we want you to die" Jack says. I curl up more and cry harder. Dark puts his hand on my forehead. It hurts but maybe he's helping? His eyes glow red and he gets up. "Stay here" he says. He disappears.

"Shit" everyone says. "Septic! It went too fucking far!" Anti says. "Y/n! S-stop him!" Mark says. I hold my head again. "We're hurting her by talking" Septic says. "G-guys... I-it hurts..." I say quietly. "Don't worry, Y/n, I'll save you..." Anti says. I hold my head again. "H-help..." I say.

I finally just fall asleep.

Anti's POV
We get out of our little meeting and get ready for Dark. He'll be here any moment. "Well, Septic. Looks like you'll be fighting Dark..." I tell him. "And why's that?" Septic asks. "I'll get angry" I say. Septic rolls his eyes. "Great. And what about them?" Septic says, pointing to Mark, Jack, Karissa, and that other guy. I shrug. "You guys just stay alive" I say. They all nod. Wil comes through the door with Google. "Didn't forget about us, did you?" Wil says. I sigh. "Why are you guys still here?" I ask. "We want to save Y/n" Google says. I nod. "Okay whatever"

We sit on the bed and wait. Dark shows up in the room. His eyes are already red. I smile and wave. "Hey Darkimoo!" I say. His hands curl into fists. "No one can fucking call me that" he says. I smile. "Okay I won't call you Darkimoo anymore, Darkimoo" Dark walks closer to me.

"Ooo I'm sooooo scared! Your getting closer to me!" I say. "Alright, Anti. I think you made your point..." Jack says. I laugh. "Are ya kiddin'? I'm having the best time of my entire life!" I say. Dark gets his knife out and puts it close to my neck. "Fuck you" Dark says. I laugh.

"You would..." I say. Dark jumps at me, but I move out of the way. The fight just starts. Me, Wil, and Google attack Dark. Being the wussy he is, Dark disappears. "Should we go after him?" Wil asks. "Nah. We'll see him again" I say.

For now, we need to find Y/n

Y/n's POV
I wake up when Dark bursts through the door. His eyes still have a tint of red. "Sorry to wake you. I'm just... angry" he says. I nod and look away. "Your head still hurt?" He asks. I shake my head. "Good cause I gotta get rid of this anger" he says, walking towards me. I curl up. "C'mon, Y/n. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way" he says. He puts his hand out for me to grab. I look away, tears coming to my eyes. He rolls his eyes. "Fine whatever. Here we go" he says. He picks me up bridal style and carries me. I shake in his arms. "It won't take long, and it won't hurt" he says. He brings me into a little room. There is a pole and a table with all sorts of things. I could see knives.

I shake more and hide my face in his chest. He sits me down near the pole and ties my hands behind my back and my legs get tied together. "So this might actually hurt a little, so here," he says, putting tape on my mouth. I stare at him. "So, here we go" he says, bringing a pretty small knife over. He grabs my wrist and starts cutting. Not deep, but it still hurts. Three cuts. "Okay, done" I look at my wrist. Then I wondered how he got my wrist untied and keep my other one tied. It's all bloody so I can't see the cuts. Dark comes back with a rag. He cleans up the blood and puts pressure on the cuts.

He finally takes the rag off and I can see the cuts. He made a letter D on my wrist. Like Wil did with the W. Dark unties me and takes off the tape. We walk back to my room and he leaves me again.

"Y/n? I'm sorry. For what I've done" Anti says in my mind. I push him away. "Y-Y/n! Please! Forgive me!" Anti says. Tears go down my face as I push him out of my mind. "G-go away..." I say. It's silent. I sigh and lay in bed. "Why did you push him away, little girl?" Septic asks. I shake my head and try to push Septic away. "I'm too strong, girl. So, everyone can come in now" he says. I close my eyes.

"P-please... I-it's going to hurt..." I say. "Maybe this isn't a great idea, Septic" Jack says. "She'll be fine. She's just a weak person" Septic says.

Dark comes in the room. I act asleep. "Oh, Y/n.... look who it is!" Septic says. I close my eyes. "S-stop" I say quietly. Dark heard me. "Are they bothering you again?" Dark asks. "D-don't hurt them Dark! T-they just wanted to talk with me..." I say. Dark rolls his eyes. They're turning red already. "Sorry, Y/n" he says. I shake my head. As he was disappearing, I grab his hand and go with him. We show up at the house that everyone's at. Dark goes in. I go in quietly. Dark goes in the room and leaves the door open. Jack sees me through the door and his eyes go wide.

I wave and sneak my way in. Just before I entered, I went to the kitchen for a knife. This won't end up badly again... will it? I shrug and go in the room.

Okay hi. So this is another cliffhanger (kinda) anyways so are you gonna get rid of Dark forever? Or will you be stuck with him forever? Hmmmmm

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