Chapter 1: "I'm. Not. Interested."

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The bright neon lights illuminated the dancers, who swayed their bodies to the rhythm, making their sparkling clothes look like look like vibrant starts in a colorful galaxy that was only a popular club. Though the club was filled with various people wearing sparkling clothing, there was one who stood out amongst the large group of people that continuously grew as time passed on.

Her long legs looked like a river of pale smooth skin with the way she danced in her skin tight shimmering black dress. It practically gleamed with every precise swing of her hips that made her shine as her fiery red curls vigorously bounced along with her. This stunning woman turned out to be quite peculiar, not because of the wondrous curves she possessed that any woman would kill for, but for her deep amethyst colored eyes that have tempted every human man or woman she came across.

One glance from the alluring redhead would have anyone practically begging for the chance to interact with a woman blessed with such goddess like qualities. Her looks were so captivating that they brought many people her way which she used to her advantage. A creature such as herself greedily enjoyed feeding off of the emotions the humans that swooned over her would produce. She never let anyone get close to her and refused to keep lasting relationships with the people she interacted with. In her eyes human were only meant for her consumption.

Which is exactly why, on this busy Saturday night did she decide to dress herself up and lure people toward her.

While the music in the club blared loudly in her ears as she made her way through the sea of drunk people, that were to focused on their uncoordinated dancing to focus on her in the way she wanted. Incoherent words and a one night stand with a drunk weren't what she wanted right now.

For she was after something much more important. Tonight she was hunting for prey.

One might ponder upon why a sexy woman like herself was in a club looking for prey but this lady wasn't like everyone else. She had something no one else had.

She had power.

She abruptly stopped her walk through the club, making a random club goer bump into her. Though that didn't matter for she felt it. The wonderfully blissful energy she felt of someone drowning in their own misery. A feeling she adored and hated for it rejuvenated her but what she did to receive this feeling was completely despicable. The woman closed her deep amethyst eyes and took a breath, feeling some power course through her veins, before reopening her deceitful eyes that now possessed a soft glow.

To the drunk humans she might have appeared magical but she was much more then what their flimsy imaginations could come up with.

Her glowing eyes made it much easier to find her target for when they glowed in this fashion they became a sort of radar for people covered in strong emotion. It made finding the young woman in the corner of the bar with a drink in hand much easier to locate. The redhead quickly made her way toward her, not caring about shoving about the humans that were useless to her out of her way.

In the corner of the club sat a young brunette who's mahogany locks lazily draped around her. She cradled her mascara ridden face with her left hand while she sipped her liquor with the other. While occasionally wiping away locks of her flimsily curled hair out of her face. The woman looked absolutely dreadful and the redhead couldn't be anymore satisfied. Which is exactly why she walked over to her.

"What the matter, love? A beauty like you shouldn't be stuck here all alone." The redheaded woman flirtatiously questioned the despair ridden brunette. If she could just convince the wretched little thing that she had good intentions, when she really didn't, this would be much easier. The brown haired bimbo looked up at her with surprisingly blue eyes that caught the lying purple eyed woman off guard.

"A beauty like me, eh? Is that really the best you're able to use these days, Ms. Red." Said the blue eyed woman as she smirked in satisfaction though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

To be perfectly honest Ms. Red hadn't expected to find another magical creature in the club with her tonight. The species of the woman in front of her was a water nymph, who had an odd love for decapitation that Ms. Red had firsthand experience with. To think she was missing out on a power boost because a certain water nymph decided to show her unruly head. How annoying.

"If I had known that I would be dealing with trash like yourself I wouldn't have bothered coming over here. Good day, Ms. Aiko." She rolled her amethyst eyes as she began to walk away.

To think a useless water nymph had the nerve to waste her ti-

A damp hand grabbed her wrist in a tight grip that was sure to leave bruises. Aiko stared at her with big blue eyes that expressed an emotion Ms. Red has never seen in the other woman before. Aiko eyes held a fear in them that was so powerful that even a woman who never wore her heart on her sleeve, like Ms. Red, showed some pity on her. "Just what do you want from me?" Narrowed eyes and pursed lips were the only signs of confusion the redhead dared show in her expression. She already let loose enough by showing pity on her face.

Aiko gulped and her face paled slightly as if the words she needed to say required a deep amount of courage to speak. She looked down at the ground while the woman she was holding onto simply raised a perfectly trimmed brow. Ms. Red tugged on her wrist and that snapped Aiko out of whatever she had been convincing herself to do. She released the redhead's wrist.

With a steady gaze that still held worry, and perhaps a bit of trepidation, she look into the other woman's eyes and said, "I need you're help, and before you even ask, it's because the Seelie and Unseelie Courts are on the verge of war."

Those were two places Ms. Red hadn't heard of in years and she had no interest in going back to either of them. The Seelie and Unseelie Courts were the distinct sides almost every fae was apart of.

Ms. Red had left a long time ago.

They were like the the republican and democratic parties that humans had in their pointless politics except with higher standards. Unseelie fae tended to be the uglier parts of their mystical world that Seelie wanted zero connection with. They were dreadfully deceitful creatures that only cared about their personal gain or the gain of their court. The liars and killers that would sooner be consumed by their own selfish needs before they helped a Seelie fae. It didn't surprise the redhead woman that they were going to war, for it was bound to happen eventually with their hatred for one another.

"It's quite funny you actually think I have a say in any of their petty squabbles. I'm. Not. Interested. I have nothing to do with any of that and I refuse to vouch for anyone." In her opinion if she never had to go back to the fae world again it would be too soon. However, Aiko seemed to have expected this because her next words were more then enough to send chills through Ms. Red.

"The Seelie Queen has been killed by Unseelie and her son is doing everything in his power to find the killer."

Apparently, Ms. Red couldn't abandon that world for more then 12 years without it falling into chaos.


Well what a chapter. Starting things off with a cliffhanger is interesting, no?

Stay tuned, folks, next chapter coming soon.


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