Author note

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Just here to give you an incite of what I am truly like. I create this story out of a perception that most may know. "Love is like a glass rose. it is fragile and if held to tightly or to loosely it will break." This story shows the tale of a young man who has seen hardship in his life that really wants to try to protect everyone from these hardships he holds the rose to tightly while on the other hand the young woman who is carefree and spirited and just wants to be happy in life holds the rose to loosely. This is just a little insight to how I think but without further ado the story.

addendum: I felt the need to explain why its taken me so long to make more of this story. You see i created this story back when i was a freshman in high school with little to none experience with story telling in truth even now im not too confident in those abilities even now that im older and graduated school years ago though ever since i first started writing this story with my giant note journal and Ticonderoga No. 2 pencil I've had a passion for telling and writing stories this story in particular was the one that i was most proud of. The original idea was to write the story in the journal then type up a more revised version on here that is until said journal got stained by a coffee accident removing most (if not all) of what was written down. I am not trying to type the story based off of memory alone (which for me that's not great either) and trying to fill in the blanks with things that pop in the more i play the scenarios in my head. With this in mind I ask that everyone be patient with me as i over come writers block and life in general

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