-Chapter 5-

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<School 8:30am>

School resumes, and I am already dead from sleeping too much. Don't you ever get that? Do you ever feel like you need another sleep just by sleeping so much? I basically get that 24/7 I think it's becoming issue.

I was all by myself walking down the school hallway, since literally no one comes to school early. I had my earphones in listening to IU's songs, when I felt a tap on my back. I turned to see who it was, but her face was unfamiliar. She had the same school uniform, so she's obviously a student. But she had the upper class uniform, so she was a year above me.

"Um are you Harim?" She looked kind of scared and she slightly blushed.

"Um, yeah. Do you need anything?" I said nicely.

"Can I talk to you for a moment..?" She asked while fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah sure." I answered and followed her. I had a strange feeling about this. Even though she looked a bit nervous about something, her face seemed unaccountable. It looked like she was covering another face, but I couldn't be too certain.

She lead me to a peculiar part of the school.

Gym equipment storage room?

"Um... why are we here?" I asked.

"Well..." She stopped there and I could see a smirk creeping out on her mouth. Before I could react, she grabbed my wrist harshly and pushed me inside the equipment room.

"Wait WHAT?!-" She slammed the door, and I could hear a locking sound. That bitch locked me inside... why?!

"YAH! GET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS!" I yelled but of course she wouldn't respond. Who the hell is she?! I tried calling Jimin, since the roof was full on concrete, there was no signal. How was that even possible. No internet, no signal, I was practically dead inside with little light.

No one ever even uses the gym storage room anymore, since literally all the equipment got rusty and worn out. Maybe there's people outside...

"Hello? Anyone? Can you hear me?" Nope, nothing. I'll have to wait for some people to come by. Aish I'm going to tell the teachers about that girl as soon as I get out.

<School 9:00am> 

Jimin's POV:

I walked in the music classroom, waiting for Harim to come, but I didn't see her anywhere. I tried calling her, but the response I ever got was 'the user's phone currently unavailable or is turned off. Please leave a voice message'. I called her about 14 times now, but it was hopeless. I'm really worried and distressed. What the hell happened to her?

"Hey guys have you seen Harim?" I asked BTS. They all replied a no. I already asked Harim's friends as well, and all their responses were the same. I sat on my table with V comforting me. I felt like crying, but I stayed tough and kept my tears inside my eyes.

"She's ok alright? She's one of the toughest girls I've ever seen in my life." Rapmon said patting my head. I really hope they're right.

<School 12:00pm>

Harim's POV:

"HELLO?! ANYONE HERE?! OR AT LEAST HAVE GOOD HEARING BECAUSE IF YOU'RE HERE AND CANNOT HEAR MY LOUD ASS VOICE THEN YOU SHOULD PROBABLY VISIT A FUCKING OTOLARYNGOLOGIST!" I yelled at the top of my voice, feeling like it could break the ceiling. I can hear people doing sports outside, and yet they still can't hear me.

"Fuck this shit." I whispered to myself, and tried my best trying to break the door in every way possible. I looked through my bag using my phone, and a Stanley knife randomly appeared.

Why do I even have this in my bag? Doesn't matter. I tried grinding the lock with the knife I had. It worked, but it was going to take a very long process and time.

*Sigh* let the work begin...

Jacqui's POV:

I'm starting to really worry about Harim. She wouldn't answer her phone calls or reply to my texts. What could she possibly be doing?

Rachael's POV:

Where the actual fuck is Harim. She always tells us if she's not coming to school or not. *Sigh* maybe she's dead.

Gabi's POV:

Welp, Harim's not here *Poker face*.

<School-Lunch 1:00pm>

Jimin's POV:

I'm stressing out so much. Apparently she always tells her friends if she's going to be at school or not, and yet, she DIDN'T tell them by any form of communication, and she is obviously NOT at school.

"Guys I'm going to look for Harim." I said and stood up from my chair.

"But what if she's not at school." Rapmon stated.

"I don't care, I'm going to look for her." I left the table and ran outside the cafeteria.

I tried the rooftop first. Nope, she's not there.

I tried the school garden. Not here either.

I tried the running tracks. No not here. Where could she possibly be?! I was about to give up until I heard a really faint thud somewhere near the running tracks. Could that possibly be her?

I hear it again. It's getting quieter and quieter as if someone's near to losing all their energy.

"Harim?" I yelled out.

"Jimin?" I hear my name. It wasn't too loud, so I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. But there was an obvious place. The gym equipment storage.

"Harim are you in there??" I panicked. I could hear someone coughing but she couldn't speak properly.

"Yeah, *cough* *cough* hold on move out of the way!" She yelled warning me. I immediately went to the side of the storage and waited for a few seconds, when the door bashed open as she kicked it. She got out, and panted heavily.

"Harim you alright?! What the hell were you doing in there?!" I panicked even more because she didn't look like she was in a good condition. All the dust she sucked in prevented her from breathing properly.

"It doesn't matter now, here, you need water." I said and gave her my drink bottle. She started drinking heavily as if it was an alcohol drinking challenge. She could slowly breathe normally again, and I sighed in distress.

"T-Thanks..." She said while putting her hair to one side.

"What the hell were you doing in there?!" I asked.

"This bitch locked me in there."


"I'm not sure. I've never seen her before, but she was a year above us because of her uniform."

"I'm going to find that bitch and expel her." I said and hugged her. She was still coughing, and her face was red from coughing so much.



"I'm sorry for being a bitch before.." I blushed.

"No it's all fine. You don't have to be sorry for anything." I said.

"Come on, let's go to lunch. We'll figure out the who the girl is later." I said as I put my arms around her shoulders.

"Yeah, ok."


I think this chapter is slightly shorter than the rest but meh :/

Question of the chapter:

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?

My answer: Yes quite a few times, it's so normal.

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