Chapter 3 She Already Is

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"Your nephews arrived safely," I report to Claire who sighs in relief. "Zara is planning to take them to the Innovation Center and the petting zoo."

"Good good," Claire murmurs and nervously tugs on the belt of her outfit. She's wearing a white skirt, white blouse, and white heels. All the flawless white makes her look powerful and untouchable. "Remind me to call Karen."

"Will do Ms. Dearing," I reply automatically and type out the reminder on my phone. Claire frowns and suddenly hits the stop elevator button. I squeal in shock as the machine rocks and shudders to stop. "Why'd you do that?'l

"When we're in private, like an elevator, I wish you'd call me Claire," she replies and I nod.

"Sorry Claire, it's just hard to switch over so quick," I apologize sheepishly. I'm Claire's personal assistant and also her long-term girlfriend.

"I understand Lucy, I just wish we didn't have to be so formal," she murmurs and runs a hand through my hair.

"It's work and you can't let yourself slip up or else they'll send in some man to do your job," I grumble and Claire frowns, but nods in agreement. The board knows we're together but we absolutely cannot show any public displays of affection, or allow any formalities to slip. Claire is Park Operations Manager so she has to be on point and professional all the time.

"At least I can kiss you in these elevators; that's why I keep denying camera placement in them," she says and I grin. "And the stairwells, supply closets, and my office."

"Not to mention the ladies bathrooms," I add with a giggle. "Perks of dating a woman."

"With you, there are only perks," she whispers and softly kisses me. "My sweet Luciana."

"My tough Claire."

We stare intently at each other before my watch pings and wrecks the moment.

"That's the five minute warning for your meeting," I say and Claire swears under her breath. She restarts the elevator and quietly begins going over names to herself.

We're heading to a meeting with potential investors, so she is memorizing their names.

"Hal Osterly, vice-president...Jim Drucker, bad hair...Erica Brand deserves better...Hal, Jim, Erica. Hal, Jim, Erica. And I am Claire," she rattles off nervously and checks her watch as the elevator dings.

"Three minutes late," we sigh in unison.

The elevator doors slide open to reveal the investors waiting for us. Claire wastes no time in dropping her signature line.

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