Passion. (A Harry Styles fanfiction)

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Completely for the benefit my friends who have pestered me to do this, I love them really, Dedicated to my best-friends Maisie, Natasha and Jaz. Who also helped allot with the story line and stuffs.

Enjoy~ :3 

Harry's POV.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

It's the only thing keeping me going. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for the feeling in my heart ... Have you ever felt like everything you once held in the palm of your hand has crumbled into nothing, but you can't do anything to stop it?          

Looking at the fragile brunette, laying in front of me. Her brown eyes closed her skin pale and the untouched tear marks still staining her cheeks. I feel that feeling like a hundred jabs to my heart, I wished she never met me, if she hadn't, none of this would have happened!

She is going to die.... Blue. My one and only, is going to die.

Everyone at the hospital is already telling me to switch off the life support machine "It is what she would have wanted." They say "She will be out of her misery". I know! ... I know she will.

But every time my fingers brush the switch that i know will end her life. I can't. 

Beep.......... Beep............. Beep...........

How Harry and Blue met.

Blue's POV. 

"Scarlet!!" The young brunette screamed with joy, dropping the letter she was holding. "Scarlet!!"

"What. It is 7am on a Saturday and you know once i wake up I can't get back to sleep." Came a sleepy whine from the bedroom down the hall, As a girl with dark purple hair dragged herself from her room with a pout. 

"Scarlet, I got in! ... I'm going to be a backing dancer for a band called ....One direction?"

Scarlet's jaw dropped, "You're going to be a what ... FOR WHO!?" Her eyes glittered as she ran to Blue, happy jumping and clapping like all good roommates do.

"And first practice is today.. In three hours Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" 

Panicking Blue threw on her dancing stuff, while Scarlet got a lunch ready. And made the rushed dancer some marmite on toast.

"Wait!" Said Scarlet as Blue was about to , Blue turned around and groaned holding out her hands for the food. "Thanks" She smiled rolling her eyes.

"Good luck!" Scarlet shouted as the door slammed shut.

Tying her hair up in a neat-as-you-can-while-traveling-on-the-London-tube bun, she rushed of the tube to the dance studio where she was having her first practice as a backing dancer for a band she didn't even know about. 

Slipping into the studio as quietly as possible she moved and placed her bags in the corner of the clean room, mirrors surrounded the front corner where she could see a music box and an old looking teacher who seemed to be judging every girl who was getting ready in the corners of the room.

"Hello, I'm Victoria" Came a shy mouse like voice of a petite girl who was standing above Blue, who was currently on the floor putting her faded and worn out point shoes on. Standing up to face the small blond's smile beaming at her. "Hi, I'm Blue."

Her name wasn't actually Blue, it was sky. But the sky was blue so it became a nickname that stuck throughout her whole life.

"Girls, Girls!" Came the sharp call of the seemingly dance tutor with a very strong Russian accent, every girl made there way to the front. From what Blue could see the girls where all very proper. Even Victoria, everything seemed to be in shape and nothing was out of place. everyone had the same dance outfits. The only difference was that Blue didn't have the money to pay for stuff that expensive.

The tutor looked her up and down, obviously disgusted with what she saw "You!" She pointed a long bony finger at Blue, "Dance!" Blue raised an eyebrow as the girls surrounding her parted down the middle allowing her space to dance. Some of the bleach blond girls with make-up caking their faces snicked at Blue's misery.

"Go!" The Russian dance tutor spat as she clicked on the music.

The rhythm danced through Blue just as much as she did, every movement was flawless and full of passion!

Her improvisation put all the girls to shame, All her steps, jumps, leaps, balances and turns where done perfectly with absolutely no effort at all, It was clear to all the girls then that Blue was a force to be reckoned with even Vicoria's jaw dropped at the end of Blue's performance.

"Where did that come from!" Victoria started, her eyes wide with excitement and sparkle

"I don't know, It's like i go into my own special place every time i dance, it lets me escape and makes me feel so alive.." Blue said as she caught her breath back.

The boys will be in the next chapter. Sorry if it's not that interesting. It's hard to introduce characters and story line. :c

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