Fig Newtons

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Fred was in the back of Walmart, his place of work, on his phone playing an app known as none other than, temple run.  Now, you might be thinking, who the fuck still plays temple run, and to that I reply, Fred the fuck still plays temple run.

His manager, Patty, had told him to go restock the party aisle but he wasn't in the mood so he didn't do it and Patty was really pissed because he wasn't really doing his job to which he replied with "My job is to work at Walmart, Patty, and you see this, I'm working really hard to beat my high score at temple run." She angrily huffed and stormed away after that.

It was truly a wonder why Fred hadn't been fired yet.

Just then, Fred's phone died.
"Damn it..." he muttered at the screen faded to black. "I was so close to beating the high score..." He let out an exasperated sigh and then shoved the phone in his pocket, walking back inside the Walmart.

As he sauntered on in he heard a thud like something had fallen. Since he was entering through the back he was in the dimly lit storage room. Since he couldn't visibly see anything wrong he shrugged figuring it was probably a rogue family of raccoons or something. 

He kept walking

That is until he heard a voice

"Uhm, Hello?" The voice called meekly. Fred's brows knitted together in confusion.
"Hello?" He called back

A really freaking tall figure stood up and brushed themself off, and approached Fred.
"Woah woah, who are you?" Fred stopped the figure from coming any closer.
"Oh,uh um" the figure out stretched a weary, clawed, hand.
"I'm Mat." Fred squinted at the hand and hesitantly shook it.
"Nice to meet you Fred, but uh, where am I."
"You're in a Walmart"
Great, this must be another hammered cosplayer that got lost.
"It's a grocery store."
"Never mind just come here." Fred pulled Mat out of the storage room by the hand and into the main store of Walmart.

With better lighting Fred could see Mat better. He had soft features but a crisp jawline, shaggy blonde hair, four ears, and weird tattoo like markings all over. Fred figures this is part of his wacky cosplay.
"So what are you even supposed to be?" Fred asked.
"I told you my name"
"Yeah yeah, doormat or something"
"Mat actually-"
"Mhm whatever, we should probably get you outta here before my manager sees you, she's a real bitch."
"Oh. Are there fake bitches frequently present?"
"What-" Fred was cut off by Mat as he fuckin rAN to a shelf with packages of everyone's favourite cookie, Fig Newtons.
"Those are some weird cookie thing, nobody buys those dude"
"I dunno where you're from but we don't use goats as currency here"
"Oh..." Mat looked down solemnly. Fred rolled his eyes
"Don't you have any cash dude?" Mat shook his head, in a confused manner.
Fred looked around, he saw his manager, Patty glaring daggers are him from the produce section. He looked at Mat and then the fig newtons.

And just like that Fred took like 10 boxes of fig newtons shoved 50 bucks at Patty and dragged Mat out of the store hurriedly.

"Dude you're fine, just take the newtons and go."
"very well, Farewell, new friend Fred"
"See ya around bruh"

And then patty yelled at Fred for half an hour about improper conduct.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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Fred the guy who works at Walmart Where stories live. Discover now