Author's Note

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Thank you so much for reading the turbulent book that is Awake! Wow, here I am a whole year later posting the epilogue. So bittersweet. Awake evolved from a thrilling dream into a chaotic novel, and while I'm not completely satisfied with how everything settled, I am so glad I put it all down into a first draft.

I have a huge amount of appreciation to all of you for voting and giving me feedback. I am so lucky to have such loyal and supportive readers, and I really hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you 💕

Sequel News

Yes, I know, the ending isn't conclusive, and ultimately this was intended! Awake will have a sequel TBA, which will be another novella, making the series one large novel. But for now, I'm giving the universe a rest for a while to let my imagination brew up something new.

Q & A

If you'd like me to compile a bonus chapter where I answer all of your questions, post some here. If there's enough interest I'd definitely love to do this!

- love, Ann

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