Chapter 1- The Beginning of The End

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How would you feel if one day, upon waking up for the school, you discover your favourite brown teddy bear which you cuddle while sleeping is a leftover of a fire?

What's so intriguing is that there is a black hand print on the belly of the teddy bear more like this area is only touched by the burning hand.

When you placed your hand on the hand print, your eyes widened and you searched for a logical reason.

"How come that is possible?' You shouted.

"Who would put their own teddy bear on fire?" you screamed internally because your hand print matched with that hand print.

I felt the same, moments ago.

I couldn't believe what a saw. Like how is that even possible?

My teddy bear!!! Is now a piece of ash. . .

"Waaaah" I sobbed while holding the ashes in my hands. Shortly after few seconds they slipped through the gap between my slender fingers like the pile of sand in a hourglass.

I wiped my tears and looked at the hand-print.

It meant something that I couldn't understand at that very moment but now I know what it means.

It means something very mystical that only exists in our imaginations and I'm thinking to share this with you all. You all have the right to know that why we had to abandon our mother Earth, why our elders are afraid to answer our questions, Why histroy of planet Earth has been wiped out?

Why is there only vegetables with nutrients of meat but no actual meat in food?

Why are there no animals on Planet Tesnocury [TES-NAW-CUE-REE]?

It's a long story so I want you to sit back and relax.

It's beyond your imaginations.

Who would have thought about this other than the writers.

I am a poor grammer wattpad user who likes to write and believe it or not, what I'm going to tell you isn't good for a child to hear. It will cause nightmares and mess up your emotions. You'll experience all your emotions at the same, so I'm warning it's better to hear my tale of truth with your parents beside you. You can't bear the burden of the truth.

It all started very soon, earlier than soon. It felt like ten seconds count down. I clearly remember every detail as if it happened yesterday.

I'm a teenager like you but unlike you, I'm a surviver, in fact the causer of the whole trauma of which you people suffer the aftershocks. The last piece of a puzzle but more of a pwan.

It was a rainy morning when I was called. My comfort, my friends, my life had been locked up in a cup board and the key was thrown in the endless black ocean.

I wiped my tears again and went to find a broom to clean the ashes on my bed. Now I was more scared as if I'm being targeted. Living alone in a luxury apartment in the corner of crimes, who wouldn't try to hurt you?

I'm completed sweeping and hitted the showers. I washed my hair and turned off shower the . I opened the frosted glass door and pulled out two white towels from the towel rack.

I wrapped one around my hair and used the other to wipe the water on my body. As I as finished drying my body, I wrapped it around my body, forming a short, strapless dress.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room which was air conditioned.

Brr-r...I shivered and opened my cub board to put some clothes on.

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