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I smiled at my friend, wrapping my hands around the coffee mug. Me and my two friends decided to go shopping but soon shopping date became coffee date thanks to the rain. The mug felt warm between my hands. This feels beautiful.

I was distracted from what my friend was saying when my eyes fell upon the glass window where the rain drops kept falling upon. These were one of those days I wanted to spend by my window at my home, wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of coffee between my hands like this.

I heard my friend call my name and I turned my attention back to her. "Hm?"
She said something. But I didn't hear her. What I heard was my own heart beats. They were so loud. I saw him, three tables from me. He was alone, with a coffee mug between his hands. He still prefer coffee on rainy days, just like me...

He has changed, a lot. His black hair is dyed platinum. It suits him. Then again, everything suits him. That one time he turned up for our date with violet hair. That suited him as well. Its impossible for him to look bad, he is the most perfect guy I've ever laid my eyes upon.

He was wearing a white T-shirt and black ripped jeans. He normally prefer black on rainy days like these... He used to. Did his preferences change? Its impossible to think like that. But he looks good in white. White shirt with white hair complimenting his pale skin, he looks like a knight in silver armour. He is radiant as ever, shining so brightly. If he look up from his coffee mug he won't see how he had caught the attention of most of the people in the café.

Its not surprising. He always shine bright. He gives out this vibe that screams for attention. But he never knew that, he never noticed. He is pretty sharp at everything else but somehow he is so dense at this.

He let out a small sigh, his lips slightly parted. I can still feel those lips against mine. Those are the lips that begged me to stay two years ago. I didn't. But I realise my mistake now. No one treated me like how you did. You used to make me so happy. I was stupid. I was selfish. I was naive.

He looked up from the cup and out at the window. Are you thinking about me?

He suddenly turned his face to the door and a smile broke out on those lips. He stood up and extended his hand to a beauty girl who walked towards him and took his hand. He gently pulled her close, tucking a strand of her wet hair behind her ear and pecking her lips.

I turned my face towards the window. My heart breaks into a million pieces just like how it always did everyday for the last two years. You treated me so good but I pushed you away. And now I'm left alone.

One rainy day. We both have different meanings to it. But I just pray that whatever you do, just don't hate me because I will always love you, Junhyung.

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