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Pour ceux qui n'y comprenne pas tout a la vidéo, c'est ce que j'ai compris mais voilà quoi c'est pas en français mais bon c'est assez facile a comprendre.⤵️

Jack : "...solely to piss you off. Solely to piss you off. Solely. i'm not gonna touch you, i'm not gonna move, just solely to piss you off im gonna stand right here and talk, and then later i'm gonna you what's up, cuz you're a fucking slut, you're a fucking slut, and i don't give two fucks either-"

Madison : "You're not my boyfriend anymore-"

Jack : No no no no no that's the things I don't wanna be your boyfriend anyway you're
a fucking slut"

Madison : Go away, go away

Jack : You're a slut. Hey hey hey listen to me you're a slut, you're a slut, you're a slut and you haven't told me about something huh ? you haven't told me about something huh ? oh and your two little friends know all that ans she's giving me the wide eye "oh fuck" you're about to expose her right now huh"

Madison : "You're crazy, you're crazy"

(quelqu'un appelle johnson)

Madison : "you being insane though the thingd you're saying to your girlfriend are out of control, and my two best friends-"

Jack : "you're not my girlfriend!"

Madison :"right! i know!"

Jack : "So then why are you saying that ?"

Madison : "then why are you wasting your time ? then just stop !"

Jack :" okay but like think, think, when i turn on the music,  what made you say "hey yo this dudes got shitty music?"

Madison : "i was joking"

Jack :"okay but what made you say that ? but imagine if you never said that ? but imagine if you never said that what would be happening right now"

Madison: [je comprends pas] ... you're a sickness" (dure ptdrrr)

(ils parlent encore mais je comprends pas)

Jack :"who's gonna be with me tomorrow, lemme guess : madison. lemme guess, madison."

Madison : "im over it. wrong, you're wrong."

Jack : ayyy who's gonna come back-"

Madison :" i can(go back ?) to any huy i fucking want"

Jack : "and guess what : who can get any girl they fucking want ?"

Madison : "probably not you. have a good day."

Jack : I don't caaaare. i don't care."

Madison :"have a good day."

Jack :"but baby listen to me." (mais en vrai wtf why il continu de l'appeller bébé ?)

Madison :"no, have a good time. go fuck EVERY girl in LA."

Jack : (il parle mais je comprends pas)

Madison : go go go go go do it. i will literraly call the police right now."

Jack :"call the police ? what am i doing?"

Madison :"you're being annoying".

Jack : "oh hey this boy's being annoying, come arrest him." like, fuck you, bitch. yeah, i heard some shit too, Mad. You're a slut."

Nan mais for real, c'est assez dure ce qu'il se balance a la gueule. Mais moi j'dis que personne devrait se mêler de ça, c'est leurs vie pas la nôtre. Ils ont 20 ans pas 4, ils sont assez grand pour régler leurs différent seuls.

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