Going in the Dark Shadows!

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     Flashback: My best friend Tony and i were fighting criminals then one of the criminals sent us back in time to when we first met:

I was starting the school two weeks late because my father Rickey just got a promotion and we had to move to seattle. I thought i was going to be a loner for the first three or two weeks but i met someone new. I was walking down the hall looking for room 111 when the bell rang, right before the last bell rang to mark the kids tardy i found the room. There was only one seat, well two but this obnoxious girl put her new guess bag on the chair when she saw me approach.Luckily there was another seat right in the front, thats not my ideal seating position but, atleast i did not have to sit next to that girl. When i sat down this boy named Tony quickly said hi, i wondered why he said hi because he looks so popular but he said it ,like he really meant it. After that , you guessed it we became best friends!


Ok give me some ideas of what you think that obnoxious girl's name is ?

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