Sung Min met a girl when he was attending a college fest with his friends.
There he saw a girl who resembled his ex-girlfriend but it was definitely a coincidence.
"It can't be true as Ji Su was dead, for real. She had been dead for about an year now." Sung Min thought.
The night fell and he completely forgot about her.
Sung Min went to hangout with his three friends. Everything was going great until he slips from the present conversation and run directly to the back door of the cafe as if he revisited the past!
"Ji Su, she is very much alive! I saw her. "
All of her friends just tried to calm him down.
"If she was alive, she would have turned 24 in next two days." Sung Min murmured.
Everyone dispersed.
*Phone rings*
"Hello Sung....Sung, this is Jin. Tae Min, he is dead.""Hello Jin, what are you saying."
"You were correct. Ji Su is not dead. She killed Tae Min."
"What in the name of hell are you talking about Jin?"
"The police got his body, he had the same wound on the abdomen like Ji Su. She killed him."(sobbing)
(Call disconnects)
The three of them(who were alive till now) decide to meet at Sung Min's basement( Jin, Dong woo and Sung Min.)
"How did that happen?"
"In the play Tae Min had to kill himself with the prop knife. Unfortunately it acted like a real one."
"How can a prop knife kill anyone? Maybe someone from the play had replaced it with the real one."
"Even the police is bewildered. The knife found piercing his abdomen was the fake one!"
"Do they have video of the play so that we could se if anything fishy was going on.."
"Dong woo was there with him offstage."
"I don't know man. No one was allowed to film the play and everything happened in a fraction of second and when I reached to him he said something which I don't know if it even makes sense."
"What did he say?"
"Tae min before dying said ' la era annog eid.' I told you it doesn't make any sense!"
Sung grabbed a paper and wrote what were Tae Min's last words..
La era annog ed
La era annoy ex..(wtf makes no sense.)"Do you still think she is alive?" asked Tae Min.
"Technically she shouldn't."
It was her birthday last year.
Then something happened which no one was prepared for.Ji Su was a shy girl. When she met Sung Min she thought she found her soul mate. It wasn't the same case as that of Sung Min. For him it was just a fling. He was more like a guy for whom she was just another girlfriend he was chilling out with. He had been cheating on her ever since they were in a relationship.
Ji Sun came to know about this when she saw him with another girl Lina. She confronted Lina just to know that 'Sung Min was her boyfriend too.'
Ji Su was heart broken but she didn't speak a word.
On her birthday when Sung Min came and tried to woo her, all ended up with a dead body. She directly accused him for cheating on her with Lina. Had it been all the scene would have been different but it wasn't.
He tried to battle her out with cross accusations and reasons but when he found his game was over he accepted that he had been cheating on her."You know what thousand times I have asked myself 'why Ji Su?' Have you realized why you don't have more than one friend? Why I don't want to hang out with you when I'm with my friends? Because you are a freak. You should be greateful that I bear with you......"
She couldn't take it anymore and charged at him with a knife placed in the kitchen. She didn't intend to kill him. In the fit of rage she tried to hurt him but the tables turned against her. Sung Min grabbed her wrist got a full control on her body.
"How dare you? So baby wants to stab me! Let me see how you do it.
Huh exactly. This is how you should have done it...( Holding her hand, Sung Min stabs Ji Su in the right loin region)Happy birthday Ji Su."
I hope you liked the gift! "

Destination D.E.A.T.H.
HorrorOnce born, Destined to die. It laughs at your face, When you cry. Whatever lanes or routes you choose, Your not gonna see the next sunrise. "Please vote and share."