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Thursday, 7:54 am

"Oh God." I walk into the bathroom and pick up the bottle.

It's more than half empty.

I run to the bed and pick up my phone, dialing Edwards number.

"Justin, what's up?"

"It's Ariana. I don't know where she is. She was gone when I woke up and there was a bottle of pills on the bathroom counter that was more than half empty."

"Okay, Justin. Go talk to those police officers in your front yard. Me and Frankie will be there as soon as possible."

"Okay." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket, running down the stairs as fast as I can.

I throw the front door open and run to the nearest officer.

"Did you see Ariana? Anywhere? She's gone." I say quickly.

"Justin, calm down. Explain what happened, slowly."

"We were both asleep but when I woke up, Ariana was gone. I thought she was in the bathroom because the door was closed and the light was on so I went to eat, but she still didn't come out. I went upstairs to check on her and when I opened the door, the bathroom was empty. There was just a bottle of pills on the counter."

"Okay, Justin. I'm gonna call for backup and I need you to go look for Ariana with Officer Shelby. Any place you think she might be, go."

I nod and follow Officer Shelby to his car.

"Where's the first place she could be?"

"We should go the farthest place first. Santa Monica."

Officer Shelby nods, turning on his siren. We get to Santa Monica in only fifteen minutes because of how fast he goes, but then it starts raining. The sky gets dark and cloudy, and the rain is pouring. This is very creepy.

As soon as we get to the house, I run to the front door. It's not locked, but that's only because Barbara is inside.

"Have you seen Ariana?" I ask her.

"No, I haven't. What going on."

"No one knows where she is. If she comes her, please let me know."

"I will, and I know you'll find her, Justin."

"Thanks." I run out the houseand get back in the car.

"There's a mall here. Let's try there." I say.

On the way to the mall, I try calling Ariana multiple times. I almost faint when I hear her voice come through the phone.

"Ari, baby where are you?"

"The only reason I answered was to say goodbye."

"Babe, what does that mean?"

"You know what it means."

"Ariana, don't do this. Please."

"Justin, it's too late."

"I can't lose you baby girl, don't go. I love you."

"I'm already gone."

The line goes dead and I sigh.

"What happened?" Officer Shelby asks.

"She's going to kill herself."

Officer Shelby has no time to answer, because his radio crackles to life.

"We located Ariana. She's across the street from Justin's house. Get here, now."

"Thank God." I sigh.

This good news doesn't stop us from hurrying back to Derrick's house. I'm the first one out of the car and up to the porch, where multiple officers are pounding on the door.

Edward and Frankie are standing on the side of the porch, trying to stay out of the way, but also avoiding the rain.

"Ariana!" I yell.

"Why can't you break down the door?" I ask one of the officers.

"She's suicidal. We don't know what she'll do if we break the door down."

"Justin, Justin, over here." I turn my head to the side of the house, where Nicole is standing.

"I came out of the back door. Follow me." I push past the officers, jumping over the porch railing.

Frankie and Edward are right behind me, and the officers are behind them. I follow Nicole inside and she tells me that Ariana is in the kitchen.

"Her back is facing the side door, so if one of you comes in through here, someone else could come in behind her and take the knife."

"She has a knife?"

"Yeah. She's been debating cutting herself for about an hour now."

"Oh my God, my baby."

"You go through the side door. I'll have Edward come through here."

"Okay." I nod, going outside where everyone is waiting.

"Ariana is in the kitchen. She has a knife. I'm gonna go through the side door and take it from her while Edward distracts her."

"Okay. I'm gonna call an ambulance." Officer Shelby says.

I nod, making my way to the side door. Being outside has caused me to become soaked in rain water. I look through the side door window and see my princess standing there, a knife in her hand. Edward is in the doorway, and I can tell he's trying to convince her to put the knife down.

I have to open the door and take the knife as quickly as possible because she will hear the rain.

I count to five before yanking the door open and grabbing Ariana's wrist. She screams, trying to resist me. I take the knife from her and give it Edward.

"No!" She screams.

"Ariana, listen to me."

"No! I don't wanna be here anymore. Let me go, Justin!" Ariana is screaming to the top of her lungs so I cover her mouth, sitting on the floor with her in my lap.

"Ariana, don't you ever do that again." I kiss the top of her head, letting her cry her eyes out on my shirt.

She cries until she can't cry anymore, and that's when I have to give her to the ambulance so they can take her to the hospital.

I stay sitting on the kitchen floor, thinking about everything that's happened in the past 24 hours.

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