Chapter 1

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"Sadie!" I heard a familiar voice call from down the hall. I found Kendra bounding towards me, her backpack already slung over her shoulder to head home after yet another long day of school. She was smiling, her brown eyes dancing brighter than the matching hair atop her head. She was indeed a cute little thing and I often wondered how she was still single after all this time.

"Kendra!" I yelled back to her, shoving the remnants of today's homework into my backpack.

"You going to that party tonight?" She asked once closer, "I heard that everyone is going."

I gave her a shrug, pulling my own backpack out of my locker, "I think I have a date tonight with this gorgeous guy named Netflix. Honestly, I think he's the one."

Kendra pouted, sticking her bottom lip out, "But it's already three months into our senior year and you haven't gone to a single dance or party. Don't you want to get in some practice before we start college?"

An internal sigh nipped at my heart, I hadn't the resolve to tell her the odds of me going to college with her were slim. And with each passing day, those odds slimmed further. Family issues would keep me at home for years to come but for now, I let her believe in the fantasy that we'd somehow both escape this town. She deserved to dream of a better future even if I couldn't.

"We'll see." I concluded with a smile, offering up the only answer that satisfied her hopes with my reality.

She squealed with joy, hooked her arm with mine, and towed me towards the back doors. The high school parking lot stretched out before us, littered with students fighting to get away. I didn't share their hatred for this place, I liked school. It offered an escape in the form of social interaction. While I couldn't say I enjoyed the essays or group presentations, the rest of it didn't bother me as it did to some.

Without missing a beat, Kendra spotted the dark blue minivan parked at the back of the lot and led us towards it. Waiting for us, like always, was Jake. We've both known him since childhood, the three of us lived on the same street and have been friends for as long as I could remember.

And now, more than friends.

Jake and I started dating last year. It's been an interesting relationship to say the least, especially since Jake's ego reigned larger than the entire state of California. But he was a good guy and he made me laugh. For now, as a high school relationship, that was enough for me.

"Good afternoon ladies." Jake greeted upon our arrival. He shot us both a grin, "Looking scrumptious as ever. Ready for your daily ride in the Man Van?"

I didn't have to look at Kendra to know that her eyes were rolling, "Just because you give it a nickname doesn't make it any cooler."

Jake patted his steering wheel, "Don't listen to her babe, she's just jealous."

"If that's what helps you sleep at night." I added as I hopped into the passenger seat and leaned across the middle console to give him a kiss. It was a quick peck, barely a kiss by all standards. But he thought nothing of it, he started the van and pulled out into the long line of waiting students. With idling cars and angry honks, it was another typical Friday.

Or so it would seem.

"Jake, you going to the party tonight?" Kendra asked, a little too much hope in her tone. Maybe it was just because she wanted someone to go with her. Maybe not.

Jake met her gaze in the rearview mirror, a little too long for comfort, then shrugged, "I don't know."

Kendra sighed, "Ugh, you too?"

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