Admin Audition

23 1 11

I need admins! I will take two for now instead of three because I already know one person who I'm making admin... ANYWAYS, to be admin fill out the form below:

Why you want to be admin
What position you want

Isn't that simple? Welp, here's the catch:

Unacceptable answer: Cause I want to

As you can clearly see you have to write a paragraph. Good luck!

Admin spots:

Acceptor (Can accept forms):

Kicker (Can ban people from rp):

Cheif (Second in command of rp/can accept forms and ban people from rp):

I dunno I guess I don't trust people much XD ANYWAYS, all admins can:

•Keep rpers in line
•Other admin stuff that I'm still thinking about

Chill I'm a very lazy person XD once again, good luck!

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