Chapter Six: Camaraderie

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Keith groaned as he woke up the next morning. He was sore and grouchy. After he had realized he left his clothes on the beach, he forced himself up and back out in order to pick it all up before anyone noticed.

His eyes opened after a while, stinging from the bright light coming from his still open window. He had been far too tired to shut it last night when he climbed through it again.

He pushed himself up and under his covers, curling into a ball and hugging them close. His hand reached out for his phone, grabbing and bringing it to his face. Turning it on, he noticed a text from his best friend, Pidge, and also that it was three in the afternoon. He decided he should probably reply before they freaked out on him.

P: Hey! Wanna do something today? My family and I are back in town and I'm bored.

K: sure whatever

P: Cool, I'll be over soon

Keith sighed. He wasn't really in the mood for company. He realized that he was only wearing underwear still, but he didn't care. Pidge had seen more, although, not in a suggestive way, but rather a best friend way. His eyes closed and he began to drift off to sleep again. He was sure Pidge would find some way in on their own eventually.

"Keith!" He heard Pidge's yell just as he began to fall asleep.

"Yeah! I'm in my room." Keith groaned back, just loud enough to have Pidge hear.

Keith's door crashed open, and Pidge paraded in. Noticing Keith curled up in the bed, Pidge ran and jumped on top of the lump the taller of the two had created.

"Whatchu doin'? Did you just wake up? Why are you hiding under the covers?" Pidge questioned excitedly.

"I'm tired." Keith grunted out, crushed by the weight of his friend.

"Fine, fine. Valid excuse." Pidge puffed.

"Why are you here?" Keith sighed, moving around to make eye contact.

"Oh, way to welcome your best friend." Pidge smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think we're beyond greetings, Pidge." Keith frowned.

"Probably." Was the response.

"So, my family's having another reunion or whatever soon. This time it's at my Aunt Fran's a couple states over. You obviously remember her, right?" Pidge sighed in a half exasperated, half fond way.

"Yeah, she was the excitable blonde that constantly gave everyone hugs and danced around everywhere. I know your family by now, Pidge. I've gone to too many family gatherings." Keith pouted.

"Ahh, well, your coming to this one too. I think it's next month or the month after that. I'm not sure, my mom was getting pissy about something my brother did." Pidge chuckled.

"Fine..." Keith mumbled, wanting to fall asleep again.

"How late did you stay up?" Pidge inquired, noticing Keith's tired actions and words.

"I don't really know when I fell asleep but I know it was past four am." Keith huffed, curling up more.

"Why so late?" Was the predictable followup question.

"Cause I went for a midnight swim." Keith answered vaguely, not actually feeling like he wanted to explain.

"You haven't done that in years, what's made you do it now?" Pidge was actually pretty interested.

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