The Pure Hearted Dragonfly

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The Dragonfly was creative. The Dragonfly was smart. The Dragonfly was funny. The Dragonfly was kind, to those who helped it...and to those who hurt it. Most importantly, the Dragonfly had a pure heart.

However, the Dragonfly was often compared to the Butterfly. The Butterfly was beautiful. The Butterfly was Charming. Everyone was so busy looking at the Butterfly, that they forgot to look at the Dragonfly.

I wonder how the Dragonfly felt? Mad? Sad?Jealous? The Dragonfly used to talk...but when no one would listen, the Dragonfly grew silent. I wish that we had listened...Because now we can only wonder. I wish that we had looked...because now there are no colors. I hope that the angels of heaven listen to all that the pure hearted Dragonfly has to say.

Because I never did...and now, it is to late. For one day in May, the pure hearted Dragonfly flew away. The Dragonfly, flew up to heaven they say. I wish that I had been there, to be that Dragonfly's friend. But, I didn't (because of stupid reputation) and that will haunt me 'till the end.

So people, please, if you see a Dragonfly, listen to all it has to say, love it with all of your heart. That is all is wants/needs. R.I.P. my pure hearted Dragonfly. I love you. I wish that I had said that when you were still around.


Author's Note:

If you or a loved one is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please, get help! The: Yellow Ribbon Project is a nonprofit organization that helps prevent teen suicides. The, Ribbon Card is a lifeline! It carries the message that there are those who care about and will help. If you are in need and don't know how to ask for help, take the card to a counselor, teacher, clergy, parent or friend and say: "I NEED TO USE MY YELLOW RIBBON!"

You can contact this organization for help in setting up a yellow ribbon program in your school or community, or to receive a yellow ribbon for yourself or a loved one:

The Yellow Ribbon Project

P.O. Box 644 • Westminster, Co 800030 • Phone: 303-429-3530 • Fax: 303-426-4496 • E-mail: • Web Site:

...Or you can message me anytime I would love to be there to talk, listen, or whatever!

life is worth just have to find the right people to live for! :)

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