📚 TWO 📚

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"Thank you, Y/N, for helping me with the kids." You looked at him as he picked up the toys and placed them inside a red basket. You shrugged and continued your way on placing the books into the shelf.

"It's okay. I'm glad I was able to get this job and help." He smiled over at you and you notice his stare. The color red was all over your face as you knew that you felt yourself blushing.

Snap out of it Y/N!

"Hey, Y/N?" You, who was busy putting all the books into the shelf, looked at him, only to notice he was close to you, very close.


"Jungmin is going to have a birthday party tomorrow, would you like to come? He seemed to really like you."

You avoided eye contact and tried your best to back up a little bit, he was so close, you thought, I could smell his cologne from where I was standing.

You couldn't help but notice how he started blushing and you had caught on, he knew he was too close. "Uhm, I'm going to have to see if I can. I don't know if I'll be busy or not." You answered quietly before grabbing your stuff and quickly shuffled your way out of the small, but not too small, classroom.


You were making your way out the building, only to be jump scared by a body figure, "오모, you scared me!" You yelled out as you placed your hand on the wall supporting you. "Were you flirting with Jungkook?" The girl from earlier glared at you.

You gave her a disgusting look before walking pass her. She got a hold of your arm and pierced her fingernails into your skin. You yelled out a little yelp and glared at her.

"Let me go or I'll have to force you to let me go."

She gave out a little laugh and her fingernails dug deeper and deeper. You let go of your purse that you were holding with your other hand and raised your hand to get ready to slap her, but a hand was wrapped around your raised hand's wrist and you looked at the person.

"Jungkook..." By the time he caught your wrist, the girl let go of your arm, leaving a bruise.

"Oppa, she was about to slap me." She let out a fake cry and Jungkook stared at you before pulling you with him. He held a strong grip on your wrist, but made sure not to leave a bruise.

Is he going to hurt me because I was about to slap that girl?

You had a lot of thoughts in your head, but you still stared at Jungkook's back. He stopped walking and you did the same. He let out a sigh before turning to you. He was close again...

"Are you okay?" His question confused you, "Huh?" He's not yelling at me or hurting me... "I said are you okay?" You nodded, your mouth still opened from confusion.

"That's good... She could've killed you right then and there. C'mon, I'll walk you to your car." He intertwined his hand with yours and pulled you.

You stared at your hand that was wrapped around his, and smiled. You two reached the parking lot that was outside the school building, and you waved a goodbye to Jungkook before getting in and starting the engine.


You arrived home and unlocked the front door. You stepped into your home and closed the door before taking your shoes off and tiredly lay onto the couch that comforted you. Your eyes closing and your mouth forming into a little smile.

It was peaceful and quiet and you enjoyed the atmosphere. But all that came falling apart when you heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. Your eyes went wide and your heart started to beat fast and loud.

You quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed a pan from one of the cabinets. Time to become Rapunzel for once...

You made your way upstairs; the noises coming from the room next to yours, which is the storage room. Once you had your hand wrapped around the door knob, you breathed out a sigh and opened the door, your pan right in front of you.

It was dark, so you turned on the lights and was shocked to see who it was.

"Long time no see, Y/N."


오모 = Oh my

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