You Were a Couple as Young Adults

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"Is their anyone you can ring that has a car that could pick you up son? Parents?" The cop asked.
"Hell nah, anyone but him" Daryl muttered, in all honesty, he didn't want to go back home after this. He wished he hadn't of even gone out with his older brother Merle. Every time Merle asks Daryl to go out with him, he's always the one that ends up getting caught while Merle gets away.
"How 'bout ya girlfriend?"
"Uhh yeah, I'll ring her" Daryl replied, his southern accent standing out. Daryl loves you more than you could ever imagine and everything, but when your pissed, you can be scary.
Daryl dialled your number and straight away, you knew who it was and where it was they was calling from.
"Hello Daryl" you sighed, knowing it would be him.
"Hey babe, um can you pick me up-"
"From the police station? Yeah I will" you cut him off sighing, again.
"Thanks babe, see you soon... I love you" Daryl added, trying to cheer you up slightly. It didn't work.
"Yeah yeah, I love you too" you said, ending to call.
Within 15 minutes you was at the police station. You went up to the front desk.
"Hey um, I'm here to bail Daryl Dixon" you said.
"Dixon, oh yeah, I'll go fetch 'im now, are you alright to sign a few papers?" The cop asked.
"Yes sure, that's fine" you responded, getting agitated. All I wanna do is get out of this shit hole. You thought to yourself. Once you had finished signing the papers, as on time, Daryl walked out. He walked towards you, arms open ready to hug you, but you got out of your chair and started walking towards the car.
"Babe, don't be like this" Daryl said, putting his hand on top of yours, which was gripping the steering wheel.
"Daryl, I have every right to be like this, it's every time Merle convinces you to go out with him, your the one that has to put up with his shit" You said, sighing at the fact that Daryl is too gullible when it comes to his older brother.
"I know Y/N but sometimes I can't help it. I'd do anything to get out of that house a couple more hours. Even if it means being in a prison cell" Daryl Explained. You put the key in the ignition, letting out a defeated sigh.
"C'mon, we're going back to mine"
"What about you parents?" Daryl asked with a worried expression on his face. He knew your parents didn't like him because of the trouble he gets into, his brother and his 'reputation'. But you loved him at the end of the day so they can't do anything about it.
"They're on a working trip, said they'll be gone for 7 days, 10 at the max" you said, chuckling because you knew he was getting worked up over nothing.
You were driving home in silence. A comfortable silence. This ended when you saw someone laying in the middle of the road. You got out of the car, Daryl following. When you got a clearer glimpse you scoffed. It was only Merle. He had an average sized bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. He stood up laughing. "Well well little brother, finally got ya little sugar plum to bail you out of jail. Again" he said still laughing. "Merle you need to can it" you said raising your voice slightly. "I bailed him out of jail because I care about him. Unlike you! All you ever seen to do is let him take the shit that you cause! Have you ever once put yourself in Daryls shoes? Have you ever once thought about how he feels about that?" You practically shouted at him, but he 100% deserved it. "Your jus' talkin shit. Of course he doesn't care otherwise he wouldn't be doin' it. Dumb bitch" Merle sneered. His snide comment making your blood boil. You got that angry you launched yourself at him, but caught in the progress. By Daryl. He tried to calm you down but it didn't work. Somehow you managed to slide out of his strong, firm grip and walked up to his older brother and smacked him across the face. Hard. You didn't care about the stinging pain that lingered across your palm, you was proud because you could tell that Merle wasn't ready for what was coming to him. "C'mon baby brother, let's get outta here. There's a bar 10 minutes away from 'ere." Daryl looked at you, then to Merle, then back at you. Contemplating whether to go with his brother or stay with you. "It's okay babe, go if you wanna go" you said with a calm, soft tone. "I ain't stoppin you, he is your brother after a-"
"'Now your makin' sense" Merle cut you off, smiling.
"But your my girlfriend. I'm sorry Merle, but your on your own, I'm spending the week with my girl" Daryl proudly said, putting his arm around your shoulder, leading you back to the truck.
"Why didn't you go with Merle?" You asked, getting curious. "Because you were so calm about it, n ya gave me a choice. They'd when I realised Merle needs to start takin responsibilities for his own shit" Daryl replied as you pulled up onto the drive way. You got out of the car, walked up to him and kissed him. "Thank you"
"For what?" Daryl asked smiling.
"Choosing to stay with me. I don't know what I'd do without you sometimes" Daryl kissed your forehead and pulled you in for a hug.
"I love you so much" he said.
"I love you too baby" you replied, still embraced in his hug.

           End of imagine 1: You Were a Couple as Young Adults.

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