CHAPTER 27 Signs

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I gathered up my laptop, my pillow and my blanket and crawled through the access window in my bedroom on to the roof. I sat there for a long while, thinking over all the information I had already garnered from my sources ― the internet, Ty, Michael and Mr. Joshua. While I had learned much about angels, I still knew nothing about my place in all of this.

I was unsure of what I should even be searching for when I suddenly recalled the symbol over the front door of my house. The same symbol, well, close enough anyway, I saw etched into the table in the dream I had where I was wandering all alone through Ty's house. How could I have forgotten about that? Perhaps it would provide a clue. It was a start.

Not knowing exactly what it was, I took a chance and googled "Star of David in a circle". The top result was from Wikipedia which referred to it as the Seal of Solomon. Under the alchemy section, I found the following explanation:

"The combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down triangles) is known as the Seal of Solomon (Star of David). The symbol is representative of the combination of opposites and transmutation. By combining the alchemical symbols for fire (upwards triangle) and water (downwards triangle), the alchemical symbols for earth and air are also created. The downwards facing triangle is divided along the center by the base line of the opposite triangle. This is the alchemical symbol for earth. Conversely, the upwards triangle divided by the base line of the downwards triangle is the alchemical symbol for air. The Seal of Solomon is all that is unified in perfect balance."

Hmmm. An hour later, I was more confused than when I began. Apparently, in medieval alchemy, the hexagram also stood for the fifth element, Spirit. Maybe the symbol was used to protect this house and its inhabitants from evil spirits?

Could our house be special in some way? Miss Ginny had made it sound mysterious that day she dropped by to welcome us. She said it was awaiting special occupants. I quickly checked the Effingham County Historical Society's website only to come to a dead end. I'd have to pay Miss Ginny a personal visit some time soon.

I followed link after link to no avail until I typed in "The Gardens of Eden". Instead of the nursery's website, Wikipedia popped up again in the first position with the Garden of Eden from the Bible. Why not? I thought and clicked on it. What I found interesting was that it said that the Garden was located at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. That reminded me of something we had studied in geometry ― a vertex, the common point of two line segments. Being that we were in a place called Eden, maybe it wasn't the house itself, but the location of the house that made it special. Michael had said that Eden was a "very special place". I googled vertex and was given the auto option of astrology. Curious, I chose a site at random which posited that meeting significant people could activate a vertex and bring events to a pivotal point. Now I was getting somewhere.

Feeling revitalized, I pulled up Google Maps and searched the satellite images for my house. Found it. Next, I located Ty's house; finally, Michael's. Three dots on the map that formed a triangle. Eureka! This had to be it. Just like Miss Ginny had said, this house was waiting for me to move into it and trigger the vertex.

When I combined the hexagram and the vertex, it seemed plausible that the area within the triangle might be a source of spiritual power.

Wondering where to go next, I thought back on the strange dream I had had the same night I went to Michael's house for dinner. I closed my eyes and tried to visualize the sapphire book. I saw myself opening it from the back and there it was ― Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. My fingers typed the letters as fast as they could. It was real! How could I dream about something that I had never even heard of?! I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. Deep breath. Sefer Raziel HaMalakh translated as Book of Raziel the Angel and there were 5,520 results. According to one site, it was a grimoire made of sapphire, or angel's tears, and was the first book ever written. It was originally given to Adam by Raziel and contained secret wisdom and magic that was unknown to all other angels. Because of this, it was highly coveted by the fallen angels who stole it from Adam. My dream was starting to make sense, if Ty's parents were really demons.

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