When we where young

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When I was born

I was born normal

I was a normal child

I am immortal

But I am imperfect.

As I grew up I grew up living in a cottage in the forest. My adoptive parents where poor, they farmed for food and I walked for water. It was not far but when I passed the Boar Hat, I felt a sort of connection not many people understand this connection like it was a place to be.

At this age I'm looking for work I'm only 17 million years old but I've only spent 15 years (well I also looked 15 ) and can't work at a bar yet. I get a job working for the holy nights. It wasn't the best job but I got paid well. When I was 17,999,991 years old and only on earth for 17 years I got a job working for my father, then as in now I'm working for meliodas. Im a pretty good chef based on the fact I make the worlds best chocolate chip pancakes

But besides that, life for a poor kid was rough, when I turned into a demon looking creature my parents where terrified.

When they saw the marking I had then they truly understood. I did a lot of lallygagging as a kid. I rode horses, re-habilitated animals, and saved abandon animals. I also tended to the crops once and a while but I was more into milking the cows and brushing the horses.

Besides that when I was a child I had brown hair blue eyes and looked normal. When I was 13 (years I've spent on earth) I turned into half angle half demon creature. I had horns, a halo, and demons tail, and angel wings. I still looked normal but I could work at the same place I did, it actually got me paid more. The reason why I quit was because they wanted me to try demons blood but I refused too.

When I got fired from that job I was about just on my 17th year on earth. The. I started working for my parents they gave me jobs to sell things. I had to wear close that covered from my horns to my tail. When I was on my 23 year on earth I transformed again doomed to the uncertainty of if I was gonna change ever again.

My parents no longer made me sell things as a market and sent me out on my own, they died not to long ago because of the all the bull that happened. They where found and killed. I still visit there graves every now and then.

But enough about me let's get back to the story

Ban and I went for a walk, we where going to get flowers and then going to my parents grave. Ban looked at me strangely "hey, what where your parents like?"
"Well... they where more of adoptive parents, I don't really have parents. I was kinda dumped from Olympus or heaven and sent off as a toddler into the world."
"That's rough"
"No kidding"
We where deep in the forest now "well what did you do to deserve that"
"What I did was id watch from up above the world, but we had our focus here. This was because the holy nights and all of that. I wanted to stand up for the sins. Yet they thought I was crazy and threw me down to earth to deal with the problems of mortals"
"Geez gods are rude"
"Yeah my child hood wasn't exactly cake either. I worked for the nights to support my family. Then they made me try and drink demons blood, But I refused. I'm not gonna risk dying because of some random experiment they wanna do on me."
"Wow that's strange, why would they even want to do that."
"I really don't know" I say looking down

We find a patch of flowers, yellows reds pinks and oranges where blooming with life. I grabbed a bunch of each color. Then I bundled them together with a Ribbon, one pink and the other green.

"Why such strange colors (y/n)"
"Well that's the thing, the ribbons are my parents favorite colors. My momma loved pink and my dad loved green" I say with a big smile
"Oh I get it"he smiled back at me
We walked to the place where my parents got buried and placed the flowers gently on there graves.
"Aw they where buried right next to each other" I say with a giggle "they would have wanted that"
Ban was quiet to be respectful because he knew this was important to you.
You kissed your hand and put it on each grave
"Bye mom, bye dad. I love you guys"
"Bye" said ban and he took my hand and we walked back to the boar hat. Ban smiled at me.
"That was nice, but now I think I wanna challenge the captain to another duel"
"Oh brother, can't you just get over... her, Isnt it better for her to know your alive and well then trying to save her..."
"Well you do have a point but I just can't give up yet..."
"Yes, it's time you put this to rest and enjoy what you have left before someone takes it away" I say
"I guess your right" he said taking a pause to think "no I can't... I have to do it.."
"It's not worth it Ban. She's up there, safe and sound, you can't get cocky, and risk loosing immortality" I say clearly worried about his mental state

"I guess your right, but look around, King likes diane, Meliodas likes well Elizabeth , And well everyone has their own thing going on, and you and I have nothing" he sad getting sad
"We have us ban... I'm right here ya know what I love you to pieces"
He paused.... he looked at me "I love you to (y/n)..."

But sadly that didn't stop him.....

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