Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - New Town

Nicole's POV:
That night me and Maddy finally finished unpacking and went to bed.
"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I felt cold liquid hit me. "Morning!" Said Maddy as she stood over me. "That's pay back for what you did to me." she laughed as she walked out.
"Ugh" I was tired so I looked at the time and it said 6:30am! 6 fucken 30. Well I might as well get dressed and look for a gym.

30 minutes later

I showered and got dressed into some gym clothes and walked down where Maddy was getting ready to make breakfast.

I showered and got dressed into some gym clothes and walked down where Maddy was getting ready to make breakfast

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Her outfit. Her hair was in boxer braids.

"Hey Maddy Im'a go look for a gym." I told her. "Okey but be back in an hour for breakfast." "OK bye." I got in my black Lamborghini and drove around until I found a gym.
It was called Mick's gym. Hmm Mick. Mick reminds me of the man who taught me and Maddy self defence at 10. But its probably just a coincidence. I walked out my car and walked in. I got to the desk where a familiar face sat. "Oh my mother fucken god!" I screamed and Mick looked at me with tears in his eyes and ran to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Oh my god!! Nicky I missed you " he calls me that couse when we were 10 I called him Micky and called me Nicky. "How have you been pumpkin?" I chuckled at the name and said "I've been good. And stop with the crying old man we can't be going soft yet." He chuckled and asked "So what can I help you with?" "Well me and Maddy just moved here and I needed to let off some steam and found this gym." He gave me wrapping tape and told me the boxing room was through the white doors on the left. I said thanks and walked over. As soon as I entered all heads snapped my way and looked at me curiously. The room was filled with guys around the ages of 20-30 and just looked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the punching bag.
I put my stuff down, wrapped my hands and closed my eyes.

Info - When Nicole closes her eyes and let's the anger take over she isn't Nicole anymore shes Black Rose. Her eyes turn almost pitch black and she becomes dangerous.

I stood in front of the punching bag and let the anger take over.

No one loves you
Your the worst sister
Punch, jab, kick
That's why Alex left you
Punch, punch, punch, punch
Your the worst daughter
Left jab, right jab, round house
That's why your parents left you
Punch, punch, kick, jab, left jab, right jab, round house, kick, side kick, and PUNCH.

That's when the punching bag flew across the room and everyone stopped and stared at me. I just looked at my busted knuckles and closed my eyes.

I re-opened them and I was back as Nicole. I started feeling the pain from my knuckles but it quickly disappeared as I forgot about it. Everyone looked at me with either lust, fear, amazement, or all of the above, I just winked, smirked, and walked out.

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