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#1 : What's your preferred name on Wattpad?

Lazylow. Or just lazy would do

#2 : How many hours a day do you spend here (be honest :P)?

In total 1 to 2 hrs? I check whenever I'm bored which is a lot

#3 : Do you prefer to vote/comment/both/neither on stories?

Vote mostly but I do comment sometimes :/

#4 : Do you like following accounts or are you very selective about this?

Following works for me!

#5 : What's your favourite SOTUS story on Wattpad?

To be continued (Kong x Arthit) by quinnH1001

#6 : Who's your favourite author (yes, you can answer with multiple accounts)?

quinnH1001, spectral, rearthit, uner90, Blacklurve just to name a few, I love u all sotus ff authors

#7 : Favourite character on SOTUS and why?

Kongpob, he's charming, driven and always there to be the hero

#8 : Favourite actor from the series?

Singto DUH

#9 : If you could crossover SOTUS with any other series, what would it be?

2Moons!!! Totally shipping PhaYo right now

#10 : Music preferences?


#11 : What's the best comment you have given/received?

It was a dirty little comment wishing for some KongArt & KnotTew group action =x

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