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It was around dinner time and Normani had already arrived. It was nice to see her again.

"Guys, I think it's time for some booze," Normani said.

I also thought it was about time.

Time to drink away my sorrows.

"Yesss! I'll grab all the booze I have so we can make like mixes and stuff," Dinah said with a huge smirk on her face.

"I'll grab the red cups! Y/N and Camila you stay here and DON'T go anywhere," Normani told us.

Where could we possibly go? Come on girls, bring on the drinks. It's gonna be a looong night.

"So Y/N, watcha up to?"

I actually don't want Camila to talk to me right now. I'm afraid that I'll might say something stupid.

"Not much actually, I just feel a little... bored. There's not a lot happening in my life at the moment. I hope the girls will return quickly so I can drink a little. How are you doing?" I replied.

"Oh, I'm alright. But something is up with my cheerleader friends though. Today I told them that I was gonna do something with you and they reacted like I was going to space or something! Someone even said: 'good luck hun, I'm proud of you'. Like why? Do you know?"

Oh god. No. I'm not going to tell her. Not now. She'll find out herself.

"Uhmm... no I really don't have a clue why they said that," I lied.

"Are you sur-"

"GUYS WE'RE BACKKK!!!" Normani and Dinah yelled as they ran in with bottles of various alcoholic drinks and red cups.

Finally. Saved by the bell I could say.

"Yayyyy! Let's begin! Y/N, take care of the music and Mila, turn off the lights and turn on the globes!" Normani directed.

"Alright then," I said

I walked toward her computer that was surrounded by her enormous sound installation. It was just the same as I remembered.


In what kind of mood are we? EDM? Nope, definitely not. Oooh, I know what to turn on.

I put on with a playlist I made myself. It's a mix of both trap and R&B. The first half of the list contains a series of trap songs and the other half contains R&B songs. I did that on purpose: when the party starts everyone is hyped up, and towards the end people become a little tired and slower.

Young savage why you trappin' so hard...

"WOOHOO DIS MY SONG, Y/N!!" Mani yelled.

I think Dinah and Mani already took a few shots when they were away.

I turned up the volume and walked to the living room.

I could already see Dinah and Camila laughing and making mixes of the drinks.

I might as well join in.

"You have a great taste in music, ya know that?" Dinah said happily.

"Yeah, I totally agree. And it also perfectly fits the mood!" Camila added. She looked me in my eyes. I loved it how they sparkle, I guess they do when she's happy.

Keep It Secret  (Camila/You) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now