Chapter 3

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I sighed and snuggled into his warm shoulder. Wait, what?!?! I screamed and got into my fighting stance getting ready to kill whoever is sleeping by me. Oh, yeah it's just Riley. He lazily stretched and tried to pull me back to the bed. I couldn't help but be tempted to fall asleep in his arms again. I laid back down in his arms and watched him fall back asleep. He had a huge smile spread across his face, and told me teasingly " it's rude to watch people sleep ya know?" I giggled as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. He sighed and got out of bed, and it was the first time I had ever seen him in his black silk boxers. Damn he has a glorious body. He was toned in all the right places! I couldn't help but notice all the intricate patterns burnt into his skin. Some tattoos some odd shaped burn marks. I sat up in bed to watch him stroll over to my mini kitchen and grab a thing of whiskey. By the time he got to the bed the whiskey was all gone, and he was swaying on his feet. I gasped as he almost collapsed on the floor. "Why the hell did you drink all that whiskey?!?! Ugh you are such an idiot!" He asked me to put him iron the bed, and when I tried to let go of him he just pulled me down with him. Oh no he is sooo hammered. "It's the only way I can sleep without nightmares..." I looked at him as he whispered his words. "Why? what are you afraid of?" He shuttered at his painful memory "well when I was 116 years old, I got into a lot of trouble. I would go to the pits and fight for money. My brothers and I were very poor and our mother and father had been killed by Lilith. We would usually win, and since we did, we had lots of people who wanted us to fight for them. If we fought for them we could get killed, and none of my brothers wanted to loose their lives. One day, this guy named Randall walked up to me and gave me a deal I couldn't refuse. I became his slave for a year. I had to do all his dirty work and also fight in the pits. I always won except for one time. I got beaten so badly. I had burn marks all over my body, and well let's just say you wouldn't of thought i was even a thing." I grabbed hold of his quivering body, and just held him until his silent tears stopped. My poor Riley.

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