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Sooo I found out just now that I got tagged into something.. Why would my notifications not work!?!.?

I was planning on doing other stuff today. I will try and make it quick

1. Weird fact about you
2. Favourite food
3. First fandom
4. Best friends
5. Current lock screen
6. Favourite OTP
7. Birthday
8. five fears
9. What do you look like
10. Favourite song
11. Why do you made your account
12. Favourite character ever

1. I bite my nails a lot.. i mean A LOT

2. Pizza is love, pizza is life

3. I will say my first gaming fandom before minecraft: Angry Birds.. My 14 year old self was slaying in online competitive..(thats what I used to think :P)

4. Irl friends and classmates: Irina, Helen, Denis, 'Andy' (not gonna use their real name)

5. My phone sucks.. I cant take screenshots on it so you're gonna have to deal with my tablet lock screen

 I cant take screenshots on it so you're gonna have to deal with my tablet lock screen

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6. Umm.. I kinda ship my characters with each other >:3 dont have a favourite one in particular

7. January 28

8. Bugs.. exept butterflies, paranormal activity, getting injured really bad, thunder strikes (there are gonna be a lot of them all over the country for the next weeks), failing exams

9. Ummm... black hair, blue- green eyes, pretty tall aaand... thats it

10. Ooooo, Its a hard one. I think I will say.. Starset - It has begun or Twenty one pilots - Car radio (I also like Set it off, Panic!at the disco, EDEN, Kdrew, Simon Curtis etc.)

11. I just wanted to enjoy the cool stuff that was here, now I want others to enjoy the stuff that I write :>

12. I dont know!!!! Lest just go with, umm.... Gandalf  from Lord of the Rings. I like the old man, wise and funny

Well that was for me, who's next?

Thepacksbiggestfan  (bc. you have a book just for that ^^)

That should do it.. I am sorry for getting you into this guys, but I dont have many friends ;w;

C ya!

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