Chapter one

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 Mini A/N: I'm new to this, and this is also my first story, so I'd appreciate tips and nobody hating on me. Thanks!!!


<3rd person p.o.v.>

Jordan walked to her locker, people bumping into her on the way. 

 She was in a hurry. Her alarm clock broke, so she slept in, giving her less than 10 minutes to get ready, leaving her still in sweatpants with unbrushed hair.

Not that anyone noticed.

Well, one person did. And her little squad.

"Oh no, did your rats hog up the bathroom this morning? Not that you have one, you problably live in a dumpster!," the girl said, her friends laughing.

Jordan did not have time for this.

"Actually, I live with my rich father, who runs all the hotels within 100 miles of here, so if you'd excuse me," she said, trying to push past the pack of girls.

Big mistake.

"Liar! The fumes of rotting food that you sleep in are getting to your brain." 

Jordan took a little more tormenting when someone said, "Hey! Leave her alone!"

Her eyes widened. Barely anyone knows she exists let alone stands up for her!

"Who are you?" The girl sneered, looking behind you. "Not anyone important, if you're hanging around that Dooley kid." She stalked off.

Jordan turned around. Dooley! Leo! 

"Leo!" She said running towards her friend. "Jordan!," Leo said, hugging her. 

She looked up. Sitting there in shock were three teenagers, one girl and two boys.

"Wow, Leo," the girl said. "I didn't know a girl could stand you.

Jordan chuckled. "I'm surprised you guys are standing up for me. Leo is too chicken to do that." 

"Hey!" Said Leo, slightly offended.

"Anyway," said Jordan. "Who are you guys?" She said, gesturing to the three behind Leo.

"Oh!" Said the girl. "I'm Bree, the tall, slightly different one is my brother Adam, and the short nerdy one is my other brother, Chase. We're Leo's step-siblings." 

Adam just said yo, but Chase went to shake her hand.

"So," Bree said. "We're best friends now, right?" 

Jordan raised her eyebrow. "Uh, I guess, since I have no friends that are girls." 

Bree squealed. Chase and Adam rolled their eyes. 

"So, are you in the same grade as me?" Chase asked. Jordan nodded.

"Good, I don't want my first impression to be me getting lost and showing up late."

She nodded. "We better go now, though.

As Chase and Jordan walked to class, Bree said "I ship it."


Lol I know the characters are kinda ooc but you can deal with it. Jk, I try. Anyway, see y'all later!!!

Also, I only have 445 words for this, so sorry! I'll make sure the other chapters are longer!!

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