Part Seventeen: Let go off me!

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After the dinner I walk through the corridors, trying to find my room again, but this damn house was so big I couldn't find it! Why are there so many doors what all looked the same, it is so confusing!

After cursing on the greatness of this Manor some more I got taken out of my thoughts by someone grabbing my upper arm with inhuman strength. I look at the person holding me. It was that hairy man who smelled like a dog from the dinner again.

"Hello little child, are you lost," the man asks, licking his lips. What was this for strange man? His filthy nails dug in my skin. "I.. I can't find my room," I stutter, looking into the wild eyes of the man.

"Your room? Why don't we find another room.. my guestroom maybe," he asks with a grin that makes me want to puke right here right now. With his free hand he grabs my long black curls and sniffs on it. "The smell of children.. such a delicious smell," he pants in my ear. He sniffs in my neck and I want to scream for help.

I see someone over the big shoulder of the man. It was Draco, holding one finger before his lips and pointing his wand at the man. I nod slightly and keep my mouth shut. "Petrificus Totalus," he whispers and the spell shot at the back of the man.

He nearly fell onto me but I quickly step aside when I feel his grip on my arm taking off. What did every Death Eater have with grabbing me by my upper arm, I think while I rub my arm. Draco runs towards me and I throw my arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder.

"Merlin, thank you Draco.. if you weren't here.. I was so scared," I whisper to him. Draco makes shushing noises and rubs my back. "Shh Hermione, everything is fine, shh. Come on, I will take you to your room." "Shouldn't we say something about this?"

Draco seems to think about it and then replies. "I will fix this with Fenrir and my family, don't you worry." "Fenrir?' 'Yes.. the werewolf who attacked you just now?" "I didn't know he was a werewolf!" "I didn't know that you didn't know! He's quite a famous bloodthirsty werewolf, you know?"

We look in each others eyes and laugh. "Let's get you to your room," Draco responds with a grin still plastered onto his face. He grabs my hand and drags me through the corridors.

"Here is it," he says a while later, opening the door for me. I step into the room and was shocked again by the beauty of the room. It was black, silver and green. Probably because every Malfoy went to Slytherin.

"Thank you Draco." "It isn't such a big act showing my cousin her bedroom." "Not only showing me the way but also.. fighting that Fenrir off." "No problems cousin. You should probably go to sleep, by the way." "Goodnight Draco."

"Goodnight Hermione," he says and he turns on his heels, walking out of the bedroom. I look through the closet and grab a white, tight T-shirt with long sleeves and some black shorts.

After putting those on I snuggle up to a little ball under the soft green blankets. With a smile I close my eyes and go to a deep sleep.

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