Chapter 1: Curiosity Almost Killed the Cat

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-- Hello loves! Just a heads up, I tried setting the story in the year that TWD is set in. Not sure what year they're in but I'm sure it's definitely not 2017. So I'll stick with the 2013 range. Anyways, enjoy!--

     They say that sneaky kids come from strict parents. Of course, that was a saying back before the world went down into flames. But in some cases, like mine, it's still pretty relevant. How could that ever matter in the apocalypse you ask? Well, my father is Rick Grimes.

Being the leader's daughter, I've always been shielded and babied around like a helpless little girl. Yes, I was one of those when it all began. Now though, I'm 20 and am sick of being left out. It just doesn't make sense. Every time someone in my group would go out or find new people, I'd be the last to know. No one ever let me go on a supply run. Heck, I've only killed a couple of walkers.

I've never killed another human being.

Killing someone is definitely not on my bucket list of progression. But I'm the only one in the group who hasn't.

Another thing is, I'm always told to stay within Alexandria's walls. My dad fears that if I ever do step foot out there, the Saviors will take me. To me, the chances of that are slim. But come on, what are the odds of them pulling up the very minute I leave? Anyways, if they did take me, I would have a plan.

I would go to the Devil himself, aka Negan, and talk to him. I've only seen him a couple of times around the community when he came for his offerings. From what I heard though, he's an evil man. But it's worth a shot. It's a peaceful way of fighting him. No one else would ever try except for me. It won't be easy to make my way there, but I have to somehow.

Alright, I'll go ahead and just get on with my story.

Saturday June 3, 2013 1:17 AM

My bag was all set with needed supplies for one person. I was wearing all black so no one would notice me. Finally, it was my time to shine and head out. Before I left, I looked at myself in the mirror. In a way I seemed more mature. A confident smile rippled across my face.

In fears of my luck running out, I snuck out my window and made my way to the ground. No one seemed to be awake and outside. Perfect.

The night air was still and humid. It was almost as if the Earth stopped spinning because it knew how wrong I was for this. But, I continued on and headed towards the wall. Enid left her make-shift ladder in it for once so I used it to my advantage. My adrenaline was going. Leaving the walls may be insignificant to one person, but it was a rush for me.

I hadn't even started climbing when I heard footsteps behind me. The familiar sound of the person's irregular gait led me to know who it was. Eugene.

"Rose?" He called out. I rolled my eyes, still facing my ladder to freedom. "What do you want, Eugene?" I asked irritatedly.

Eugene and I both have something in common. We don't have the best social skills. His of course are much worse than mine. Heck, he can't even tell that some of the things he says makes him look stupid in front of others. At least I knew when to shut up and how to avoid awkward silences. But I understood him and he understood me. Because of that, we became close friends. He said he never had such a true and authentic friend like me.

"I cannot permit you to leave like this. I am certain that you are fully aware of how reckless that would be." He told me, attempting to sound intimidating. In reality, he would actually let me go because he knew how much I longed for it. But, now that it was actually happening, it scared him. Eugene didn't want to lose his closest friend. So I decided to take it easy on him.

I turned around and approached Eugene. "Look... You're scared. I get it. I am too. I'm trying to get past that fear though. From here on out, I can fend for myself. I promise you that I'll be okay if you can make me a promise too." I whispered sincerely.
"What is it?"
"Just promise you won't tell my dad or anybody."

Eugene paused for a moment. If he couldn't keep this one secret, than my whole plan would go down the drain. After a few seconds of waiting, he finally agreed.

"Thank you. I really owe you one. Who knows, I'll probably bring back a souvenir!" I joked. He still did not find it funny. It was obvious he had his doubts. So, I held out my fist waiting for him to bump it with his. Fist bumping was our thing since he's too awkward for friendly hugs. We used it to keep promises, to show support, or just anything really. He reluctantly bumped back. I smiled at him and went back to the wall.

When I got to the top I looked back down one more time. Eugene was still watching me with a heartbroken look on his face. It did hurt to see him like that, especially because even I was unsure if I'd make it back alive. I had to keep my composure though. "I'll see you later, Eugene."

Without waiting for a reply, I made my way down to the other side. When my boots hit the ground, I felt like I was walking on a cloud. It'd been months since I was outside of these walls. There was a sense of relief now that I was back out.

I wasn't about to walk the whole two and a half hours to Negan's sanctuary without direction. I'm a smart girl who thinks ahead. There was a car outside of the walls that I tricked Eugene into parking there for me. Plus, I took a map from my dad.

When I got in the car, I noticed that my keepsake bracelet I always wore wasn't on my arm. Who knows where it could've gone? It made me upset but I had to get going. Sadly, I continued.

The trip was peaceful in the beginning. But the closer I got to my destination, the more walkers there were. It got so bad that I started plowing through a herd with my old beaten up car. There was thick blood and guts all over the windshield. The walkers' insides were too heavy that the windshield wipers couldn't get it off. Panic swept over me.

Before I knew it, I lost control of the steering wheel. The car spun for what seemed like forever even though it probably did only one full rotation. The front of the car crashed into a tree on the side of the road. It was completely jacked up. Luckily, all I had was a minor bloody nose from the airbag and a cut on my cheekbone from glass.

I sat in the car contemplating on whether or not this was even worth it. Me being me, I knew it still was. So I got out with my bag in hand and began walking the rest of the way. Using a bandage from my supplies, I covered my cut.

Hours later, I arrived at these tall gates. With heavy eyes and weak limbs, I knew I made it. Only all the energy was drained from me. The sun was rising. Normally, I'd be waking up to go on my daily jog around the community at this time. But that probably wouldn't be happening again.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" A man shouted from a watch truck in front of the gate. Before I could answer, I dropped to my knees on the ground. Everything was fading. Let's just say that my body decided I had enough for one night.

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