Confrontation and Consultation

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~Y/n pov~

While I was busy changing in the bathroom, I was thinking about all the things that happened in the woods last night. I had felt so guilty.

But then I started writing,getting everything that I had bottled up ; all the emotions, and comments I wanted to say, I let everything out on paper in my diary.

I felt

Like I didn't have a worry in the world.

Like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Like u didn't have a Dad who lost his mind.

I felt...normal.

My mind drifted back to the note my mother left me, the one I found in the diary...

'To my dearest daughter, here is a diary to help with your emotions, when your dad's name comes into a conversation, you may feel very unhappy or emotional, keep your thoughts in here...but keep it under lock and key...We don't want anyone to find out about your father right? I love you my precious darling daughter, be safe, from mother.'

I get replaying that message in my mind and I realised that in fact she was right.

I did feel very unhappy and emotional...and then I started writing and...I felt so happy.

Like I had been harboring this huge secret and now that i finally told someone...(well technically something, since it's a diary and can't talk) I felt free.

It's just words on a page.

No, it's much more than that.

At least it's much more than that to me...

I replayed the message in my head one more time.

She was right.

Writing in that diary did help me with my emotions...a lot.

And of course as soon as I finished writing, I did exactly as she said, I kept it under lock and key-

I froze.

I didn't lock my diary.


I was having a miniature heart attack.

Someone could have read it!


I quickly got dressed and opened the door only to to my diary.

Dipper sat up and stretched.

"Morning" he mumbled sleepily.

"Morning" Mabel and I replied in unison.

"Hi Y/n, why exactly are you hiding secrets from us?"Mabel asked , looking directly at me.

I felt all the blood rush from my face.

Dipper opened his eyes all the way "What's going on?" , he asked.

Mabel started tapping her chin as if she were thinking.

"I have recently found out some very interesting information" she replied looking at me.

I froze.

She knows.

Oh no.

Omc, No!

It felt extremely hard to breath.

"Y/n would you like to tell him, or should I?" Mabel replied.

One word can describe the situation I just put myself in:


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