The Cheesy Flirter Zane! ♡

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Requested by kingGladeator

Zane! Flirt with all the Travi!

Zane- A.C, do I have to?

Yes! It's a dare!

Zane- I like your soul it's as black as my hair.

Emo- I feel loved

Zane- Your as sweet as cupcakes

Sad- *cries happily* Thank you

Zane- If I were an Endine I'd be a DNA Helacase so I could unzip your Genes


Zane- Is your dad a demon (should I say it I'm gonna say it) because you sure fuck like it

Demon- Yay!

Zane- You're as jumpy as a rabbit.

Happy- Bunny!? Yay!

Zane- Is your mom a goat bcuz you sure yell like one

Angry- Fuck off.

Zane- Are you dead. Because you're lazy like one

Lazy- Thanks I try.

Zane- You're sexy.

Seductive- Thanks Babe.

Zane- You're  adorable.

Perverted- Aaw you are too~

*Zane looked at Travis happily knowing exactly what to say*

Zane- and you're the love of my life

Travis- And You're the love of my life

*Zane and Travis then kissed*

Ask or Dare Travis's Emotions and ZaneWhere stories live. Discover now