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Being drug around an abandoned house isn't how I expected to spend my Friday night. Sleeping maybe, but certainly not this. My sister, the eccentric Mary Austin, was driving me to join in on her ghost hunting schemes. She practically lived off myths and legends. This time the subject was the decrepit Victorian era manor that sat at the edge of our small town.

The story behind the house wasn't that original. The whole family had gone missing. None of them ever found. That kind of thing.

So here I was, still clad in my school clothes, trespassing on private property because my younger sister couldn't control her curiosity. I was tired, cold, and ready to go home already.

"Come on Leanne!" Mary gave me a light shove, turning her flashlight on.

"I don't want to." I grumbled.

Mary sent me a look and enters the house. Though reluctantly, I followed after her. Inside was dark and smelled of mildew, like a typical old house.

"What makes you think this place is any different than the others?" I inquired.

Mary shrugged, "Just a feeling. And tons of research."

I snorted, shaking my head.

"What? Telling me not to trust my gut?" She turned me, her green eyes shining in anger.

"No. Of course not." I threw my hands up in mock surrender. My sister gave me on last glare before turning back around.

"Just one more thing."

"What?" She didn't bother looking at me.

"If we hear ominous chanting, the appropriate response is to run away from it, okay?"

"Whatever." Mary nodded, disappearing into the shadows.

Just as I was about to follow I was rammed into by an invisible force. My world turned dark.

I woke up to darkness. The cold of the ground seeping through my clothes. I sat up and looked around, but, as mentioned before, it was dark. It was slightly painful, but I managed to pull myself to my feet. I quickly grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight.

"Mary!" I called out. The only answer I received was an echo. I peered around the room. It was an oval shape and the walls were lined with pictures and a few doors. Vines grew up as high as the ceiling.

"Hello?" I yelled again. No answer. it didnt take me long to notice the desk on on side of the room.

On it lay an old, and dusty, journal with the name Anne Kate on the front. I picked it up and turned to a random page. It read.


Ma and Pa are worried about me. They don't like me being down here. With the cold and damp. I haven't told them about the doors yet; I don't know too much about their origins myself. I've only been through two of them. One just led back up stairs, while the second led to some kind of alternate world. I was scare at first, but it's lovely there. No wars or death. Like heaven. I plan on going through the last tomorrow. Wish me luck.

This Anne girl said that one door led back up stairs. That means one of them leads me back to where ever Mary was. Taking a closer look, I realized the doors looked identical. Taking a deep breath I opened the one I stood in front of. I was met by a dark hallway.

"This isn't too bad." I whispered and steped through the door, closing it being me.

I slowly walked until I found a stairway. I sighed in relief and began to climb my way back up. Once I reached the top I found Mary waiting for me.

"Where have you been?' She questioned.

I laughed, "You know, just exploring."

She gave me a weird look.

"Whatever. Let's just go home. I couldn't find anything." Mary turned away, heading back to what I assumed to be the enteranc. What I hadn't noticed is the unnaturally large smile that had formed on her face.

"We hope you like it here, Leanne. Everyone else does, eventually." Mary's voice wasn't her own. It wasn't the normal harmonious sound. It was deep and demonic. In that instant the truth dawned on me.

I had gone through the wrong door.

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