The invitation

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Hi this is my first story so I hope you like it.I would like to give a lot of thank Lots_O_Lovely for editing the story.  Tell me what you think I can do better  in other stories.

Thank you PixStar


I was running down the rode when a owl shoot out of the sky, it was heading straight at me .... "Hay...." I said " slow down Ashwind whats the hurry" I stopped running and put my arm out so Ashwind could landed. I pet my owls head then, untied the envelope.

 TO: Luna Lovegood

I flips over the envelope and sees the Hogwarts seal and open it to read:

Dear Miss Lovegood We are hosting the 10th anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts we invite you to a party in honor of all those that died in the war.

The party will be held on 2 of May, in the great hall, Hogwarts at 3:00 PM, we hope to see you there. Send a reply owl to professor Mcgonagall, Hogwarts headmistress. If you want to honor anyone particular, send that information in your replay owl.

Hogwarts headmistress

 When I got home I went to my office to write the replayed letter, but when I opened the door to the office I was met with something very different than what I had left only fifteen minutes ago

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When I got home I went to my office to write the replayed letter, but when I opened the door to the office I was met with something very different than what I had left only fifteen minutes ago. My desk was all messed up and the paper that were in nice piles when I left were now all over the floor. I walk in to get a better look. 'what has Rolf done to my office' I thought as I turned to go find my boyfriend.

I walked into the living room to find Rolf sitting down, "Hay, baby" Rolf said

"have you been in the office" I asked

"yes, it is OUR office"

"yes, but you have YOUR desk, and I have MY desk" I started "I don't come in and   mess with your stuff, so don't mess with mine"

"I thought I left something on it " he said casually. Just then Bob, Rolf's muggle friend, came in and said "Hay, you didn't tell me you make movie props"

"what Bob, I don't " said Rolf

"I fond this on your bed"he said holding up the Ollivaners spell and wand list"you said you had lost something and I thought this might be what your looking for" he said

"Bob yes that is what I lost" Rolf said

"so, what is it"

"WELL YES, he does make movie props" I said in a slightly angry way, you see I'm tired of having to get Rolf out of all hes problems

"what I don't make.." Rolf said, I come over and sat down on Rolf

"YES .. YOU .. DO" I said

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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